Active Users:484 Time:29/06/2024 05:11:14 PM
E3 - Microsoft (aka the worst E3 session i've ever seen/read about) - Edit 1

Before modification by Wibble at 07/06/2011 02:40:08 PM

I think it's summed up beautifully by the Deputy-Editor of 360 Magazine in the UK, when he stated that Microsoft "...made 2011-2012 the best 12 months on Xbox 360 for eight year-old girls"

So what do they bring us?

*Live TV on Xbox - okay, but what about games?
*Games on Win7 Mobile - no, no i meant xbox games...
*Theres a new Xbox dashboard - still not games...
*Youtube and UFC on Xbox - yawn...
*You can use Bing (does anyone?) with Kinect - Whoah, whoa, stop the press?!!? Is this true, my life is now complete, cause clearly this is what was missing. >.>
*New Kinect games - yay, games...oh wait, that'd be shitty kinect pish that no core gamer gives two hoots about...
*Kinnect for Toddlers, Virtual Disney tour - About those Xbox games, got any?
*Kinnect in core AAA titles - fuck off
*HALO 4 - but not this year, maybe next, or maybe 2013, but we squeezed it in at the end cause or show is so shit we had to do something...

So yes, Microsofts promise last year to get back to core gamers is promptly shown to be a bag of pish. Instead, having sold 10million Kinects to technology trendists and kiddies, they want to sell it to the other 40million Xbox owners. now don't get me wrong, it's an alright piece of technology, and i'm sure they make money off it, but it's got nothing to do with core gaming. I want to play games, not faff about nodding my head, or waving my arms to custom make weapons, i mean come on Microsoft, get a grip. Did you not watch the Wii, hardware sales good, game sales...

I hand you to the Editor of 360 magazine for a final comment: ""While I appreciate Kinect as a piece of technology, the Microsoft press conference has just highlighted how redundant it is to a hardcore gamer,...There's nothing that Kinect currently does that is either of any gameplay value to me or that cannot be replicated just as effectively by a controller or headset.""

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