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Dead Space 2 (a review) Jeordam Send a noteboard - 25/02/2011 07:30:51 PM
So I don't know how many of you are into 3rd person perspective survivor/horror type games, but I get a kick out of these. If you haven't played/beaten the first Dead Space, this one will not make *too* much sense (story wise), but it can still work. They have this nifty little movie feature that you can view which will help fill in the blanks. I'm not sure if there is a game-review format I should follow, so I'll just make one up.

The graphics were awsome. With this type of genera, much of environment is in shadow. This can give a muddy look. However in this game, there was no muddy/grainy look in the shadows. It was dark, but the objects still in the dark where sharp.

The enemies were very detailed...especially when they explode. At one point, I was hit with a torso with entrails...I think I saw the liver too. Good times.

The background were detailed and themed well. Nicely enough, very little of the backgrounds (world stuff that is outside the realm of play/effects) were "stock" or standard stuff. They were unique over and over through the different areas, and even in the same area. One example is that at one point, I was in a mall type area. The billboards/ads around were different but consistent (being the same product had different types of ads). The stores in the mall had different store fronts...none of them the same. No repeat of store names and really worked.

Play Control
They greatly improved the play control from the first one (which I thought was pretty good). The 3rd person camera was *much* better. A few things here and there were a bit dodgy, but ultimately it was a much better play experience. I don't remember it in the first one, but in this one the player can use a health pack/stasis pack without having to open up the inventory menu. That was nice.

The music and sound effects were very good for the genera. They put the player in the appropriate place emotionally and really added to the feel of the game. No real complaints for me here, other then the fact that I don't really remember the music too much. The sound effects I remember.

***Spoilers from this point on***

New game features
-There are several things that are different about this game. In the first one, when in a Zero G environment, you had to look at where you wanted to go, and launch yourself over there in a stright line. They upgraded that into a you disengage your gravity boots, and then use foot-thrusters to move around (both R3 & L3 are needed). It introduces a different element in the fact that you better get good with those controls or you won't make it.

-There are more reminders that you are in space. Instead of being on the are at Jupiter Station (on Titan). Well just make sure to watch your fire while facing an exterior wall. I blew out the windows and got sucked out into space a few times. Ultimately, hit your target....not the exterior wall right behind the target.

-You have this new "hacking a computer" type thing...where you hotwire/bypass the controls. Normally not a difficult thing to do....unless you have to do it in a hurry and *really* need to get through a door.

I don't want to spoil too much of the story, but I thought that it played well off of the first one. The introduction of the two other characters (Stouse & Elle) were good. I thought that they played off of Issac's insanity from the first one very well. I certainly felt crazy from all his vision stuff. It was haunting and I jumped repeatedly from when he would go into a vision. Much scarry. I enjoyed how there is the opportunity for another in the series.

***End of Spoilers***

Ultimately, if you are into survivor horror games...I'd get this one. It has some fun/cool features, and will definately keep you on edge. What's fun is that when both you and your character jump from a suprise, and the character on screen says "ok...that sucked," you find yourself (the player) nodding your head and agreeing with him. It is funny. There are some very creepy which comes to mind is having to walk through a daycare/nursery....I've never been terrified of a room full of cribs before.

I'm looking forward to trying the multiplayer feature to see what that's like. I'd love to talk about this game with people, if not as a "cleanse the evil/talk about our trauma" conversation, at least as one to talk about fun games.

ex-Admin at wotmania (all things wot & art galleries)
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
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Dead Space 2 (a review) - 25/02/2011 07:30:51 PM 436 Views
Can't (but probably will) wait to play it. - 25/02/2011 09:01:48 PM 297 Views
*nods* Stupid finances getting in the way of gaming..... - 25/02/2011 09:29:19 PM 301 Views
Part 1 smiles at me from the On Sale section each time at the store - 01/03/2011 01:25:37 PM 299 Views
Getting startled.... - 01/03/2011 06:18:58 PM 271 Views

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