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An even more Ultimate Gaming Tournament: Round 3 - Edit 1

Before modification by Dannymac at 24/12/2010 06:11:54 AM

First, the results of the last round.

Mythic Hero

Link11111 vs The Prince (of Persia) 1
Sure, the Prince has the Dagger of Time, but it isn't the biggest surprise to me that the Hero of Time was not particularly impressed.

Cloud1111 vs Kratos 1
This result honestly surprised me, given Kratos' hitting power, cool kills, and button smashing action over turn based. FFVII continues to impress.

Sci-Fi Badass

Samus Aran 1111vs Starkiller 1
Another surprise, especially given the tragedy that was Metroid: Other M. Still, I HIGHLY approve. Take that, force powers. Hard to deflect a power bomb.

Master Chief 11vs Jim Raynor 111
Jim's staying power has been frankly impressive. He edged the Chief, and that takes some doing.

Hero of Kvatch1 vs Commander Shepherd 1111
The winner of the second tournament falls to a guy with voice acting. Typical, I guess. Don't feel too bad, Kvatch. Shepherd has guns with unlimited ammo. Sorta.

The Fable Hero vs Revan 11111
This is the farthest any Bioware character has made it in these tournaments, as well as the best showing by a Jedi. Go Revan!

Mario1111 vs Yuna 1
Probably never really in question.
Guybrush Threepwood11 vs Crash Bandicoot 111
This one came down to the wire. I was rooting for Guybrush, but we can't have everything. Crash will face the Plumber, a battle that was always meant to happen.

Smooth Criminals
Ezio de Auditore vs Batman 1111
I can't blame Ezio for losing this one. Every time I play an Assassin's Creed game, one of my first feelings is how good the engine would be for a Batman game.

CJ vs Garrett 111
CJ's superior firepower and streetcred fall to a sneaky steampunk bastard with a nifty accent. Sweet.

Lara Croft 111vs Tifa Lockhart 11
Lara is challenged for the first time, but Tifa comes up just short.

Miranda 1vs Chun-Li 111
Miranda's da bounce, but she couldn't mess with those thighs, methinks.


Kerrigan 11vs the Joker 11
Only one tie this round, and man, it was a doozy. Normally I'd go with Kerrigan, based on her previous performance, but its common knowledge that when supercriminals want to scare each other, they tell Joker Stories. Joker gets the nod.
Ganon 111vs GlaDOS 1
Triforce of Power beats cake. GOT IT.

Comic Relief
Max Payne vs Morrigan 11111
You know, at first I didn't know if Morrigan was right for this bracket, but darned if she isn't making a solid showing for herself.
Luigi1111 vs Turret Guns 1
A solid win for the guy in green, and Luigi is showing his chops when his brother isn't around to cramp his style. Good on you, Luigi.

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