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Great. j-whitt987 Send a noteboard - 07/12/2010 02:21:54 PM
I quit BC after getting all my heroic gear, before the raiding scene really opened up, and narrowly dodged the Lich King's wrath, but then came Cataclysm. I could resist new high end features, but a total remake of all my favorite zones? No way.

The perfect storm:

  • time off work to study for exams
  • No classes (to allow for exam studying time)
  • Only 2 real exams, both of which are easy, and require no study
  • Friends and family out of town

The result:

  • Leveled from 0-60
  • Herbalism to 375
  • Inscription to 300
  • Epic land + regular flying mount
  • 500 gold left over

Time elapsed:

5 days real-time. >_<

I know, I know, temporary insanity I guess. Anyway, some impressions. Firstly, the game is easy-mode now (I haven't played since BC, so maybe it's been that way for a while). From 0-60, I didn't come across a single quest I couldn't solo by myself, and I only found one elite that could kill me (some giant guy hanging out in Eastern Plaguelands). In some ways, I like the difficulty change. I prefer to solo when leveling, and used to HATE coming across quests that I couldn't do by myself, because by the time I found a group to do it with, I'd already leveled past it.

On the other hand, I miss the feeling of danger. I miss the panic I felt when killing a spider on the side of the road, and hearing Stitches lumber up unexpectedly, and then the relief as I popped every potion and ability I had to get away. That sort of thing. Speaking of Stitches, he's not the only elite that got nerfed: there really ARE no elites anymore. Sad. On the other hand, there are lots of new giant monsters in the leveling zones, which is cool. I just wish some of them couldn't be killed with autoattack in gray armor. /sigh

I guess the only other thing to talk about is the new quests, which are, simply put, awesome. I mean, I punched Deathwing in the face. I defended Booty Bay from an all out pirate attack, complete with rope swinging, bat rider boat bombing, and more. Blizzard added some truly amazing quest chains, and, true to their word, every zone feels new. I don't know as if there are any quests that were actually left intact. I saw a lot of the old quests rolled into new ones (with varying degrees of change) but everything has been retooled.

I think probably the coolest thing about the re-done quests is how they're all meaningful now. There are very few disjointed quests. "Kill some murlocs for me, ok thanks, that's it! Bye." It's all part of some larger chain. Everyone will tell you to report to someone else when they're done with you, and the someone else will escalate the situation, incorporating what you've already done into a grander whole. You might have been collecting supplies for an attack on the Blackrock Orc basecamp, instead of picking up stuff just because. Each zone feels like a separate adventure/plot in and of itself, now. Time was, I used to tell myself "I'll just finish this level and then quit." Now I wanted to finish each zone, so I could see how its story finished. Speaking of which, the zones seem to update as you progress, now. There might be a battle going on in Andorhal, and then you help, and then the battle is over. I'm not sure how that works. Do other players see that, or is it mini-instanced somehow, or? I'm confused. The Booty Bay thing especially seems odd to show everyone, because it messed up the city pretty bad for a while.

Anyway, enough rambling. Cata is out, it's very cool, and it tried to kill me. Thoughts anyone? Impressions? Feel like talking WoW for a bit? :)

Now I feel like playing WoW. I never got into it because I never really liked the random quests and shit like that. Why would you do this to me? this is the reason I quit STO too. :(
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
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Clean for two years. . .but Cataclysm got me. - 07/12/2010 11:14:12 AM 1092 Views
The "mini-instanced" thing you refer to is what they call call "phasing". - 07/12/2010 02:19:04 PM 680 Views
Sure, I understand that part, I just don't know how it works when you pull in other players. - 07/12/2010 04:07:50 PM 655 Views
From what I saw previously... - 07/12/2010 06:07:53 PM 834 Views
Huh. - 07/12/2010 06:42:58 PM 696 Views
The funniest thing... - 07/12/2010 10:46:19 PM 705 Views
*NM* - 08/12/2010 03:12:41 PM 314 Views
That would be the Veteran of the Wrathgate questline which also - 17/12/2010 05:23:12 AM 713 Views
Yeah? I think I did that the other night, Alliance side. - 17/12/2010 08:03:44 PM 671 Views
Re: Huh. - 08/12/2010 07:45:46 PM 679 Views
Actually. - 09/12/2010 08:40:31 AM 670 Views
Great. - 07/12/2010 02:21:54 PM 718 Views
If you've tried it and didn't like it, the changes won't convince you to play. - 07/12/2010 04:15:04 PM 665 Views
Get me excited then kick me in the head then. *NM* - 10/12/2010 12:32:54 AM 317 Views
You're hard to please! *NM* - 10/12/2010 04:49:46 AM 296 Views
I know. I've been told as much before. *NM* - 10/12/2010 02:25:48 PM 333 Views
I am excited, they are going to have werewolves *NM* - 07/12/2010 03:51:23 PM 330 Views
I was excited about that initially. - 07/12/2010 04:23:47 PM 755 Views
My experience with WoW is limited - 07/12/2010 06:19:50 PM 698 Views
If you want to like it, try to get yourself to Outland. - 07/12/2010 06:32:02 PM 698 Views
pallies are still ridiculously OP - 08/12/2010 02:12:18 PM 669 Views
Re: pallies are still ridiculously OP - 09/12/2010 01:37:29 AM 722 Views
yah, I always forget DKs. I haven't been in BGs since the breaking - 09/12/2010 02:09:52 PM 696 Views
On the plus side, DK glyphs sell like hotcakes, so I'm fine with some OP DK fun. *NM* - 09/12/2010 04:58:11 PM 359 Views
EVERYTHING is selling like hotcakes. - 10/12/2010 02:14:37 PM 639 Views
Yeah? On my server I can't get much other than DK glyphs to go. - 10/12/2010 03:23:07 PM 657 Views
In-game economic analysis: - 13/12/2010 02:42:17 PM 718 Views
Yeah I know it. - 14/12/2010 02:14:17 PM 696 Views
I too was pulled back in. - 07/12/2010 03:52:42 PM 857 Views
the one elite giant near booty bay isn't any more - 07/12/2010 04:03:31 PM 680 Views
There are "harder mobs," but not really "elites." - 07/12/2010 04:27:19 PM 618 Views
Haha I'm doing almost exactly the same thing! *NM* - 07/12/2010 08:58:03 PM 308 Views
I'll be jumping back in as well. Hell, half of Turbine is. - 07/12/2010 10:05:34 PM 754 Views
Re: I'll be jumping back in as well. Hell, half of Turbine is. - 07/12/2010 10:32:08 PM 670 Views
Edit - 09/12/2010 01:39:07 AM 699 Views
swiiiming swiimming swiiming swiiming! - 11/12/2010 11:20:47 AM 649 Views
You LIKE swimming? Yech. *NM* - 11/12/2010 07:47:20 PM 304 Views
You haven't seen Vashj'ir yet, have you? *NM* - 11/12/2010 10:20:38 PM 313 Views
Vashj'ir has confirmed all my loves and fears about the ocean - 12/12/2010 03:59:43 AM 677 Views
Nope. 71 now, though. Exams are over on Wednesday, and then I'll make some serious progress. *NM* - 13/12/2010 06:42:36 AM 343 Views
WotLK and Cata zones are amazing. - 13/12/2010 02:12:07 PM 672 Views
some people have complained about that actually - 13/12/2010 08:17:39 PM 611 Views
They're morons. *NM* - 14/12/2010 02:12:39 PM 365 Views
I actually like group quests, as long as I can solo them. - 14/12/2010 02:19:48 PM 640 Views
Before the end of Wrath - 17/12/2010 05:31:36 AM 738 Views
Must. Resist. *NM* - 14/12/2010 04:56:41 AM 297 Views
I was clean for over a year.... - 26/12/2010 08:39:10 PM 678 Views

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