I really couldn't believe it when I finished it. The game is SO short!! It's like eight levels. I feel ripped off.
(sorry, I'm referring to the Force Unleashed 2... which I finished last night)
(sorry, I'm referring to the Force Unleashed 2... which I finished last night)
That bums me out. I was going to buy that....but if it's as short as the first then I'd rather just rent it or something I think.
Screw it....I'll just get Gran Turismo.
Yeah. Renting it sounds pretty good to me too if it's that short. I don't know why it took me so long to beat it. Once I picked it up again I was done with it in less than 8 hours.
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
I finally finished The Force Unleashed last night. A question.
17/11/2010 12:14:06 AM
The choice scene is very easy to miss and pick one without knowing you're doing it.
17/11/2010 01:49:17 AM
Is it the shortest game ever?
18/11/2010 06:37:12 PM
The first is pretty damn short
18/11/2010 06:39:55 PM
Re: The first is pretty damn short
19/11/2010 04:42:27 AM