The choice scene is very easy to miss and pick one without knowing you're doing it.
TaskmasterJack Send a noteboard - 17/11/2010 01:49:17 AM
Right before you fight Vader for the last time, you're actually about to choose whether to fight Vader for the sake of "Personal Revenge" or the Emperor for the "Greater Good". It all hinges on which direction you run. I don't remember specifically, but I think one involves running to the right and the other running into the background or something like that. That's how you choose which ending you get. One unlocks the Light Side Jedi Robes and the other turns you into Cyrax from Mortal Kombat.
I finally finished The Force Unleashed last night. A question.
17/11/2010 12:14:06 AM
The choice scene is very easy to miss and pick one without knowing you're doing it.
17/11/2010 01:49:17 AM
Is it the shortest game ever?
18/11/2010 06:37:12 PM