Supposedly, at this year's PAX, DN:F was confirmed to be in development by Gearbox software. It's in a playable state, and will be released either the end of this year, or the beginning of 2011. Can't find a great link right now because work blocks gaming sites, but I'll edit one in later. For now you can do your own googling.
Anyway, I'll believe it when I see it. I almost wish it wouldn't come out though. It's just about guaranteed to be a mediocre game, and I'd rather it remain as that mythical "just out of reach" title that it's been for so long.
Anyway, I'll believe it when I see it. I almost wish it wouldn't come out though. It's just about guaranteed to be a mediocre game, and I'd rather it remain as that mythical "just out of reach" title that it's been for so long.

"We feel safe when we read what we recognise, what does not challenge our way of thinking.... a steady acceptance of pre-arranged patterns leads to the inability to question what we are told."
Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel
Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel
Duke Nukem Forever: Confirmed. Supposedly. Also: hahahaha.
03/09/2010 09:48:05 PM
BEST GAME EVER. Also, isn't it "Duke Nukem?" *NM*
04/09/2010 12:44:21 AM