Even linking the Tal'darim to him would improve them. They felt so hackneyed. - Edit 1
Before modification by Ghavrel at 16/08/2010 08:50:15 AM
There are possibilities, there's no use in being cynical . But personally, I wouldn't like to continue with Raynor. After Wings of Liberty, he's far too Terran.
I wouldn't mind him being somewhere in the background--if not Matt then someone like Ariel or Zeratul, people for whom you can do a few missions here and there. I wouldn't mind helping Jimmy fight the good fight against Mengsk, as long as that wasn't the whole campaign (and if it is the whole campaign, I better fucking defeat Mengsk instead of suddenly bringing Fenix back as a Colossus or something).
Man, now I really want a giant talking Ultralisk.