...you don't like moving with WASD and the mouse?
beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 09/09/2009 11:53:51 PM
What I dislike most are the controls. You can control movement with your mouse entirely, however my mouse is not good for that. You can also move with the keys: a,s,w, and d. But then you still have to move the camera and turn with the mouse. There might be another way, however I think this is unnecessarily complicated.
I might be misunderstanding your description, but isn't this how pretty much all 3D games handle movement? Left hand is forward-backwards-step left-step right, while the right hand is which direction you're facing. Xbox, PS3, and PC all tend to have it the same way.
I amuse myself.
City of Heroes
07/09/2009 02:42:46 AM
I hate, hate, hate gear.
07/09/2009 06:14:16 AM
There's no roleplay in any video game. What don't you like about gear, though? *NM*
07/09/2009 07:26:33 AM
...you don't like moving with WASD and the mouse?
09/09/2009 11:53:51 PM