Active Users:609 Time:11/03/2025 06:54:04 PM
Re: Oh dear. I am so sorry. Camilla Send a noteboard - 18/04/2010 04:16:09 PM
Yes, it is shocking, I know. When in Rome one should probably embrace one's being-in-Romeness, but much as I hate flying I almost wish the planes would start running. As that does not look like it will happen any time soon, our best bet looks like it will be getting across Europe some other way. Now, long distance trains are full, so it looks like our best bet is to take lots and lots of shorter trains.

So. If any of you know of anywhere where we could stay for free along the way, that would be excellent. Or, you know, if you have a rich grand-uncle with his own train, that would be great, too. Or a zeppeliner.

Still, there are much worse places to be stuck. On the other hand, I hope you get back to Edinburgh and home and soon as you physically can. Silly Icelandic Volcano.

Someone's got it in for Iceland. First the banks die and now the island blows up.
structured procrastinator
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So, I am Volcano-stuck in Rome, but I want to be in Edinburgh - 18/04/2010 10:01:40 AM 1022 Views
Board-er Patrol, arrest that woman! - 18/04/2010 10:34:49 AM 677 Views
There are worse places to be stuck than Rome - 18/04/2010 10:40:29 AM 544 Views
You are really not being very sensible here. - 18/04/2010 10:48:34 AM 570 Views
Oh, I am being sensible. The wish to get home is really just a sham. - 18/04/2010 10:53:46 AM 589 Views
Can you even get Eurostar tickets anymore? - 18/04/2010 12:53:52 PM 540 Views
Yes. There are tickets on all trains on Tuesday. - 18/04/2010 04:11:49 PM 534 Views
If you can get to Amsterdam, there are ferries to Newcastle. - 18/04/2010 11:37:41 AM 667 Views
Oooh. I didn't know that. That sounds like it might be more sensible than Eurostar. - 18/04/2010 04:10:33 PM 529 Views
Here is the website for the ferry: - 18/04/2010 04:27:30 PM 812 Views
There is no room, sadly. It would have been a good idea. - 18/04/2010 04:35:41 PM 528 Views
There appear to be luxury cabins for £242. *NM* - 18/04/2010 07:05:41 PM 223 Views
How odd - 18/04/2010 11:22:23 PM 591 Views
Re: So, I am Volcano-stuck in Rome, but I want to be in Edinburgh - 18/04/2010 12:25:36 PM 511 Views
Re: So, I am Volcano-stuck in Rome, but I want to be in Edinburgh - 18/04/2010 04:13:53 PM 522 Views
So I guess... - 18/04/2010 01:12:41 PM 516 Views
Re: So I guess... - 18/04/2010 04:14:43 PM 511 Views
Oh dear. I am so sorry. - 18/04/2010 03:26:08 PM 513 Views
Re: Oh dear. I am so sorry. - 18/04/2010 04:16:09 PM 538 Views
Probably payback for the Cod Wars. - 18/04/2010 04:21:28 PM 504 Views
Do you have travel insurance? Or an HSBC Advance Account? - 18/04/2010 04:38:54 PM 1614 Views
Re: Do you have travel insurance? Or an HSBC Advance Account? - 18/04/2010 04:41:44 PM 532 Views
It's nothing to do with the card you pay with. Travel insurance is a freebie with the Advance A/c. - 18/04/2010 04:50:08 PM 2144 Views
oooh - 18/04/2010 04:52:15 PM 504 Views
Just looked at the policy document. Call HSBC asap. - 18/04/2010 07:16:20 PM 507 Views
Re: Just looked at the policy document. Call HSBC asap. - 18/04/2010 11:24:39 PM 494 Views
Apparently they are starting to open up the airspace now.... - 18/04/2010 05:33:12 PM 513 Views
Re: Apparently they are starting to open up the airspace now.... - 18/04/2010 06:25:56 PM 504 Views
Unless there are further eruptions. - 18/04/2010 07:02:27 PM 523 Views
Well, from what I heard, there was talk about decreasing pressure. - 18/04/2010 08:15:01 PM 476 Views
There's a volcano named Katla? That's awesome. - 18/04/2010 08:24:59 PM 557 Views
Well, typically, the name would refer to the dragon. - 18/04/2010 08:30:03 PM 465 Views
Re: There's a volcano named Katla? That's awesome. - 18/04/2010 11:02:02 PM 455 Views
Re: Well, from what I heard, there was talk about decreasing pressure. - 18/04/2010 11:02:33 PM 468 Views
No, I am not a mean person. - 19/04/2010 07:14:49 PM 595 Views
Hope you manage to get home soon! - 18/04/2010 07:20:23 PM 544 Views
Re: Hope you manage to get home soon! - 18/04/2010 10:59:21 PM 488 Views
Sounds like an adventure! - 18/04/2010 09:16:55 PM 459 Views
Not yet at least. *NM* - 18/04/2010 09:41:42 PM 210 Views
Re: Sounds like an adventure! - 18/04/2010 11:00:22 PM 496 Views
I was wondering if this would make someone I know stuck somewhere - 19/04/2010 08:40:42 AM 519 Views
Please check in. when you get home, and before then. - 19/04/2010 02:58:55 PM 484 Views
Re: Please check in. when you get home, and before then. - 19/04/2010 03:11:39 PM 746 Views
Hail Britannia! Britannia rules the waves! - 19/04/2010 10:30:27 PM 527 Views
Re: Hail Britannia! Britannia rules the waves! - 20/04/2010 07:09:04 AM 790 Views
Have wine! - 20/04/2010 03:18:04 PM 541 Views
I intend to - 20/04/2010 07:01:44 PM 606 Views
Apparently they're diverting the Orkney ferry to Bergen. - 20/04/2010 05:38:25 PM 702 Views
Re: Apparently they're diverting the Orkney ferry to Bergen. - 20/04/2010 07:05:22 PM 675 Views

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