Active Users:358 Time:11/03/2025 06:49:49 PM
Lord I hope it doesn't come to that. SilverWarder Send a noteboard - 25/03/2010 11:58:35 PM
But should it - well I pay for everything with a lovely interac system which records everything in my bank records.

Easy-peasy to track.

May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk.

Old Egyptian Blessing
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Taking the high road isn't easy... - 25/03/2010 03:27:47 PM 818 Views
I think the counseling will help, assuming it's with somebody good - 25/03/2010 03:44:47 PM 425 Views
I'm pretty much committed at this point - 25/03/2010 03:50:26 PM 394 Views
I see. - 25/03/2010 04:05:04 PM 395 Views
actually..... - 26/03/2010 05:56:09 AM 387 Views
They live in Canuckistan - 26/03/2010 12:59:59 PM 349 Views
Matters not, but thank you - 26/03/2010 01:48:06 PM 368 Views
Counselling might help - 25/03/2010 03:54:29 PM 358 Views
I hope so too - 25/03/2010 07:03:43 PM 355 Views
Showing your anger isn't necessarily bad if you can do it without really losing your temper... - 25/03/2010 04:24:03 PM 390 Views
Kind of like a bookshelf - 25/03/2010 07:01:03 PM 457 Views
I hate the high road. - 25/03/2010 05:30:19 PM 481 Views
Well, actually she's still running her D&D game - 25/03/2010 07:05:23 PM 386 Views
Wow... - 25/03/2010 07:25:53 PM 367 Views
Re: Well, actually she's still running her D&D game - 25/03/2010 07:26:47 PM 383 Views
Apparently I don't play any of the 'power builds' from it - 25/03/2010 07:59:59 PM 503 Views
Venting is good - 25/03/2010 05:40:50 PM 389 Views
Well, I'm doing my best - 25/03/2010 07:07:28 PM 352 Views
The high road sucks but you get less shit on your shoes - 25/03/2010 05:46:33 PM 380 Views
Thank you. It's really not a lot of fun - - 25/03/2010 07:09:40 PM 354 Views
The high road certainly isn't easy. - 25/03/2010 07:42:47 PM 421 Views
You know...we're not close & we frequently do not get along.... - 25/03/2010 07:57:01 PM 484 Views
This. *NM* - 25/03/2010 08:00:40 PM 140 Views
Sounds like good advice (says the guy without kids ) *NM* - 25/03/2010 08:48:27 PM 142 Views
Thanks Jeo - 25/03/2010 08:58:37 PM 368 Views
/me hugs I love Rafolites. *NM* - 25/03/2010 11:11:39 PM 147 Views
*hugses* - 25/03/2010 08:56:36 PM 351 Views
I'm sure I don't have to tell you this - 25/03/2010 09:18:31 PM 342 Views
Make sure you keep records of the money you give her and the clothes you buy. - 25/03/2010 09:34:49 PM 366 Views
Lord I hope it doesn't come to that. - 25/03/2010 11:58:35 PM 381 Views
I told you. Medication. - 25/03/2010 10:04:11 PM 378 Views
I have to Agree, I think your wife needs psyche help, and medical help. - 25/03/2010 11:13:48 PM 369 Views
let's assume, for the sake of discussion... - 26/03/2010 03:59:25 AM 472 Views
ugh...stupid double post *NM* - 26/03/2010 03:59:45 AM 148 Views
Can I offer a suggestion for dealign with the anger? - 26/03/2010 04:45:37 AM 371 Views
Have you considered Domestic Violence? *NM* - 26/03/2010 06:02:43 AM 169 Views
Naturally not. - 26/03/2010 01:50:27 PM 370 Views
i can't really add anything that hasn't been said before - 26/03/2010 06:10:47 AM 360 Views
:/ *hugs* *NM* - 30/03/2010 02:11:24 PM 151 Views

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