Active Users:907 Time:23/11/2024 10:40:01 AM
Next time, open a tab! beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 21/03/2010 07:15:52 AM
True, you might forget to close it, but at least you won't drop it. Other benefits include:

1. Looking cool. Buying drinks without fumbling for a wallet is always good.

2. Probably cheaper in the long run. It depends on how you tip, but I generally tip a buck each time I go to the bar. With a tab, I generally just do 15-20%. The 15-20% tends to be cheaper.

...that's pretty much it. But I approve of pre-gaming! You've taken a small step into a larger world.*

*of alcoholism.
I amuse myself.
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Danger of pre-gaming before you go to the bar. - 21/03/2010 12:22:58 AM 464 Views
how did the texting go? *NM* - 21/03/2010 03:11:50 AM 106 Views
Next time, open a tab! - 21/03/2010 07:15:52 AM 379 Views
oh, trust me... - 21/03/2010 11:16:13 AM 333 Views

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