Active Users:507 Time:28/09/2024 12:14:30 AM
Re: *shrugs* - Edit 1

Before modification by Isaac at 18/03/2010 12:03:59 AM

I'd only fault it for being too honest. If bin Laden comes in alive then someone has screwed up badly.
So, rather than duck the hard question, he hasn't been political enough.

That's not honest, and it's also a dumb answer. If he knows anything about HRT, SF, SAS, etc tactics he'd know that depending on the circumstances capture could easily be the highest probable outcome. A night time assault could easily have his guards overwhelmed and him on the floor being zip-tied before he even knew what was happening, it would just depend on the circumstances.

It's also irrelevant, he knew what the question was, he, the Attorney General, was being asked a hypothetical question about what is supposed to be his area of expertise by definition. If the head of Homeland Security got asked by congress 'If Houston was nuked by a suitcase bomb, what would the response be?' and she replied 'well, I think that's unlikely, a nuke would likely be set off in NYC or DC, so it's a pointless question.' both parties would be expecting her resignation by week's end. You gonna say her answering a question like that wouldn't be ducking but 'too honest'?

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