Active Users:605 Time:09/03/2025 02:09:07 AM
How utterly selfish and childish of her ßelals Girl Send a noteboard - 13/03/2010 07:06:34 PM
The only time it is acceptable to leave someone like that is if they are abusive and you think they'll try to hurt you if you walk out. Any other time it is childish, selfish, and cowardly.

If there are issues, she should tell you. If she didn't, it either means she's too cowardly or doesn't want to work on them because leaving is simply easier for her.

Not attempting to work through problems and instead leaving without warning and with barely an explanation is an utterly shitty way to treat your spouse and very very selfish to your daughter. I don't care how unhappy she was, the way she handled it was cruel and very childish. Adults should not act this way.

I agree with the others here. Give yourself a few days to calm down. Heck, I need some time to calm down after reading that. That might give her some time to think about what a brat she's being. Then, contact her and see if she wants to try and work things out. If not, do what someone else suggested. get a lawyer and play hardball. I have a feeling you're going to need to. If she acts like this, I wouldn't put it past her to try and keep you from your daughter or to use her to jerk you around. Don't let her. Your daughter needs at least one parent who acts like an adult.

I'm sorry this happened.
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And then, yesterday - the world came apart - 13/03/2010 02:09:42 PM 1150 Views
*hugs* - 13/03/2010 02:21:49 PM 525 Views
*Hug* - 15/03/2010 03:53:34 PM 488 Views
I'm so sorry to hear that. - 13/03/2010 04:06:26 PM 602 Views
Thank you Sareitha - 16/03/2010 12:56:30 AM 489 Views
Oh my goodness. - 13/03/2010 04:40:30 PM 500 Views
Thanks Jen - 16/03/2010 12:58:22 AM 441 Views
It may not do much good to say this, but - 18/03/2010 05:37:46 AM 486 Views
Perhaps I should have said - 18/03/2010 01:49:43 PM 521 Views
how scary. - 13/03/2010 05:27:09 PM 614 Views
It is, thank you. - 16/03/2010 01:00:35 AM 516 Views
Wow...I'm sorry man - 13/03/2010 06:09:01 PM 488 Views
wow.. - 13/03/2010 06:21:56 PM 510 Views
I wouldn't call that nothing. That could make it better. - 14/03/2010 02:59:49 AM 521 Views
oh, my - 13/03/2010 06:47:00 PM 544 Views
How utterly selfish and childish of her - 13/03/2010 07:06:34 PM 604 Views
Re: And then, yesterday - the world came apart - 13/03/2010 07:11:59 PM 612 Views
Oh, I'm so sorry. - 13/03/2010 07:41:48 PM 547 Views
Holy shit, man. - 13/03/2010 08:31:49 PM 501 Views
I know exactly what you are going through. - 13/03/2010 11:19:47 PM 494 Views
There is a little hope here... - 14/03/2010 12:24:19 AM 519 Views
In Case I haven't said it enough, I <3 you, Tashmere!! *NM* - 14/03/2010 06:33:31 AM 215 Views
Some, yes. - 14/03/2010 06:43:49 AM 524 Views
at least she's only worried about the important things in life - 14/03/2010 06:53:43 AM 499 Views
Yeah - she LOVES the new Horton hears a Who film. - 16/03/2010 01:06:53 AM 469 Views
That is a tough little girl there. - 14/03/2010 05:43:51 PM 614 Views
Oh yes indeed. - 16/03/2010 01:05:22 AM 532 Views
Yeah, eggshells and glass suck. - 16/03/2010 02:34:10 AM 484 Views
I am so sorry *NM* - 14/03/2010 03:49:38 AM 212 Views
How in touch were you? - 14/03/2010 08:14:57 AM 524 Views
Not as much as we could be - 15/03/2010 06:11:28 AM 580 Views
That's a tough hurdle - 15/03/2010 08:06:07 PM 554 Views
Ouch - 14/03/2010 11:21:16 AM 478 Views
Dear God that's awful - I don't know how I missed this earlier. - 14/03/2010 01:40:24 PM 534 Views
Thanks, Tom - 15/03/2010 06:15:50 AM 470 Views
from what I have seen in 57 years of life.... - 14/03/2010 02:02:24 PM 527 Views
I pretty much agree - 15/03/2010 06:16:48 AM 592 Views
I just read Helene's, Tom's and Damookster's replies. - 15/03/2010 01:53:17 AM 515 Views
*HUGS* *NM* - 15/03/2010 04:34:33 AM 232 Views
I know what you are going through *hugs* - 15/03/2010 06:36:30 AM 477 Views
Really sorry, man, hopes and prayers things work out for you. - 15/03/2010 09:05:11 AM 472 Views
aw man, sorry to hear that! *NM* - 15/03/2010 10:29:16 AM 206 Views
Jesus. - 15/03/2010 01:44:18 PM 527 Views
It's looking up a bit - 15/03/2010 03:50:25 PM 526 Views
Re: It's looking up a bit - 15/03/2010 05:12:02 PM 570 Views
Re: It's looking up a bit - 15/03/2010 05:13:03 PM 455 Views
Re: It's looking up a bit - 15/03/2010 05:13:30 PM 485 Views
Hmm. Those were supposed to be edits. Admin? Clean up in aisle SW! - 15/03/2010 05:18:13 PM 541 Views
Lose that zero and take her to court for abducting your child *NM* - 15/03/2010 05:14:26 PM 211 Views
oh wow, Mike, I'm sorry. That's aweful - 18/03/2010 10:33:06 PM 462 Views
Thanks LS - we're working on it. - 23/03/2010 04:37:27 AM 454 Views

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