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yeah Delireus Send a noteboard - 10/03/2010 07:47:33 AM
*Question 1:

How does your head work when you read?

My question might not be formulated right but I'll give an example.

I have synesthesia, its a neurological condition when your senses overlap. so when I read anything, I see colors all the time. Every word, every letter, is a color, or many colors. Every letter is its own color, so each word takes on a big color based on the letters. I never noticed this for the longest time, but after I asked what colors other people see, I realized it. Its like you dont notice you blink until you really think about it.

But yeah, I know exactly what you mean by seeing pictures. Sometimes I can't remember if I've seen a movie or read a book, because I have the story so well in my head its like its own movie.

Example 1.

When I read a book I like, it's like a film running in my head, I don't see the words it's just picture after picture, as I said, like a film. Like plugging in your head to a TV or cinema or computer.

*Question 2:

Is it different when you read a text book?

Yeah, actually...I dont like them very much. But if I do, like history books, if its written in the right way, its like a movie too. I read anything and everything I can on the Tudors, and even when the book is talking about court life or what foods were eaten, I see pictures. But if its something boring, I do not see pictures, possibly because I dont want to be reading it? I dunno.

*Question 3:

Is it different when you read a boring book?

Example 2.

When I read a text book or a boring book I usually only see the words, I never see what is behind them or what they try to tell me. (Religion and philosophy can sometimes be exceptions for me because I find it slightly interesting.)

Oops, I think I already answered that, but yeah, I dont see stuff when I dont want to read a book. I've talked to friends about this and not everyone sees pictures Ive found out. I wonder what they see, or how they imagine it. I dont know...

"It feels like someone with a fever is yelling at my pants!"
Note: Just because we moved does not mean I shall stop abusing the smileys
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How does your head work when you read? - 10/03/2010 07:28:29 AM 555 Views
yeah - 10/03/2010 07:47:33 AM 511 Views
- 10/03/2010 08:08:01 AM 528 Views
*muse* so do certain books have more unpleasant colors? - 10/03/2010 04:28:28 PM 373 Views
Same - 10/03/2010 12:22:38 PM 395 Views
- 10/03/2010 01:16:14 PM 400 Views
Re: How does your head work when you read? - 10/03/2010 02:07:04 PM 461 Views
Re: How does your head work when you read? - 10/03/2010 02:18:51 PM 368 Views
Similarly - 10/03/2010 04:18:19 PM 416 Views
Re: Similarly - 10/03/2010 04:23:29 PM 406 Views
Not similar at all. - 10/03/2010 04:54:30 PM 451 Views
Very interesting. - 10/03/2010 04:59:18 PM 352 Views
Re: Very interesting. - 10/03/2010 08:37:54 PM 412 Views
Re: Very interesting. - 10/03/2010 08:39:07 PM 401 Views
I'm mainly the same. - 11/03/2010 06:36:01 AM 429 Views
Interesting.. - 10/03/2010 06:20:04 PM 398 Views
Re: Interesting.. - 10/03/2010 06:42:36 PM 408 Views

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