Active Users:576 Time:03/07/2024 06:11:55 PM
Reminds me of The Omnibus Boners. Joel Send a noteboard - 04/09/2009 03:08:31 AM
If you're unfamiliar, I highly recommend it as a book of similar writings from between the Wars, with the added bonus of being illustrated by a then unknown artist named Dr. Seuss. But, no, you can't have my copy. ;)

Very good, thanks.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Children Writing About the Ocean - 03/09/2009 03:21:16 PM 536 Views
Too cute and funny, thank you for sharing *NM* - 03/09/2009 03:28:50 PM 262 Views
I'm off to become a Diver - 03/09/2009 03:34:04 PM 454 Views
LOL - 03/09/2009 03:50:58 PM 399 Views
Love it - 03/09/2009 03:52:47 PM 331 Views
These are great! - 03/09/2009 04:16:03 PM 399 Views
Reminds me of The Omnibus Boners. - 04/09/2009 03:08:31 AM 467 Views

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