Active Users:364 Time:12/03/2025 06:16:47 AM
No, I think i will nitpick. - Edit 1

Before modification by LadyLorraine at 03/03/2010 06:15:43 AM

Most of the Mexican immigrants I've met are here illegally. These parents applied (legally) and were granted entry (legally). I have far more respect for them than I'll ever have for Jose, who shows up, doesn't pay taxes, and uses the local emergency room as his primary care (yes I'm well aware that doesn't apply to all illegal immigrants, so don't nitpick this).

How in the world does this apply to Mexican immigrants who are here legally? So because someone is here and hispanic and most of the ones you've met are illegal, some german family suddenly has more right to be here? Some german family living with an actual income and careers as musicians has a right to call asylum, but if a hispanic immigrant tried the same thing but said "I don't have shoes and my kids are starving", they'd just as well be turned away? Perhaps the family had legal grounds, but that does not make their abuse of the system right. There are hundreds of people (I'm not just referring to Mexico) who wait years and years in squalor, where their children hardly receive a proper education, trying to come into this country legally the long way. You'll have to excuse me if I don't find someone stomping over all of their heads a singing songbird of glory.

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