Active Users:353 Time:12/03/2025 07:06:48 AM
one year in a public school - Edit 1

Before modification by LadyLorraine at 03/03/2010 05:33:17 AM

is not cause for Asylum. Asylum is for fleeing refugees who are in danger for their lives or well being. A public education in a country like Germany will not mar any child to that degree, regardless of what the parents believe. it is the place of the government official to make the objective decision of "tough luck" and they can wait just like everyone else coming for substantially better reasons. Like destitute living conditions and a fervent hope to live some where where they can make a decent wage and not have to fear for their lives in their streets.

I'd take any one of the mexican immigrants who stand on the corners in Arizona who waited for years and spent hundreds of dollars just to come shovel shit or dig holes in the 100+ degree heat because even that was an improvement, over a german family who for some stupid reason think a single year in a school will forever mar their children.

If they want to move here, fine. That's their choice. But they had no grounds to beg Asylum.

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