I have received a couple of conditional offers from the Universities I have applied to. So I was wondering that would I be guaranteed a place if I meet those conditions? Or is it more that I will have a very good chance but not a guaranteed one.
For e.g Say a university gives me an offer contingent upon my getting 80% in my exams. If I get 80.5 %, does that mean that I will definitely get a place or does it only mean that I have a chance of getting in?
For e.g Say a university gives me an offer contingent upon my getting 80% in my exams. If I get 80.5 %, does that mean that I will definitely get a place or does it only mean that I have a chance of getting in?
It is legally binding, and so if you firm an offer, and meet it, they must accept you.
So, don't worry.
Question regarding UK University admission.
26/02/2010 01:33:25 PM
From memory....
26/02/2010 01:47:43 PM
If you meet the condition, you're in.
26/02/2010 02:14:45 PM
As others have said, the University's offer is legally binding (subject to the condition).
26/02/2010 06:08:19 PM
Re: As others have said, the University's offer is legally binding (subject to the condition).
26/02/2010 06:17:21 PM