Re: To Tip or not to Tip? - Edit 1
Before modification by ironclad at 26/02/2010 08:51:35 AM
When you go to a restaurant, do typically tip?
yes, pretty much always
Do you tip a set amount or do you vary based on service quality?
usually around 10%, a little more or less depending on how satisfied I was with the waiting.
Why do you tip or choose not to?
I think it's a nice way to encourage them to be friendly and professional or punish the lazy or unfriendly ones.
Pizza delivery, tip the driver?
a little bit usually, yes
Why or why not?
because, if I remember correctly they can entirely keep that and don't really earn much more.
Delivering pizzas is one of the most dangerous jobs out there for the regular person, I could be mugged and killed at any time. I risk my life to bring your food. I am glad I live in a country where a pizza delivery person would never have to say such a thing.