Active Users:364 Time:14/03/2025 06:43:15 AM
oh this is much more entertaining. LadyLorraine Send a noteboard - 09/02/2010 04:25:13 PM
When was the last time someone tried to kill you with food poisoning?

I regularly attempt to kill myself with food poisoning. I'm surprised I haven't accidentally done myself in yet.

What type of personality do you think you have?

On a good day: good-hearted, considerate, relatively calm and intellectually contemplative

on a bad day: volatile, emotional and prone to lashing out irrationally

What's your favorite type of soup?

Ohhhh that's hard to call. If you had me pick exactly one soup and I could only have that soup my whole life, it'd be a toss up between Minestrone and Italian Wedding Soup

Do you get upset when people seem to have some sort of behavioral expectation from you? Do you typically try to fill that role?

It depends a bit on the behavioral expectation and how they communicate this expectation. And I try not to fill any roles, but I've noticed that my behavior will fluctuate quite widely depending on who I'm hanging out with. Not that this is unusual in the slightest. After all, my old barn friends don't want to hear about my gutter-brain thoughts and morbid jokes...on the other hand, rafonauts and some of my close friends don't mind them. I don't want to be a drunk lunatic with my old friend from back home who's mormon and quite against drinking...but it's totally cool with my local friend who provokes it. I think it's less a "behavior change" and more a "behavior adaptation" based on the circumstances. And again, that's hardly unusual.

Do you watch/like the show Castle?

I don't regularly watch it, but the few episodes I've seen, I've liked
Still Empress of the Poofy Purple Pillow Pile Palace!!
Continued Love of my Aussie <3
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Simple survey. Random. - 09/02/2010 11:33:15 AM 826 Views
Simple answers. Not Random. - 09/02/2010 11:38:38 AM 628 Views
A hint of stubborn? - 09/02/2010 11:42:21 AM 515 Views
Just a wafer thin hint. Barely there at all - 09/02/2010 11:45:42 AM 609 Views
Re: Simple answers. Not Random. - 09/02/2010 03:13:04 PM 565 Views
Re: Simple answers. Not Random. - 09/02/2010 03:19:24 PM 586 Views
Alrighty then - 09/02/2010 12:25:43 PM 615 Views
Almighty then. - 09/02/2010 01:08:12 PM 620 Views
Call Mikey, then! - 09/02/2010 01:32:48 PM 666 Views
Simple survey? Complicated answers. - 09/02/2010 12:44:32 PM 574 Views
Very. - 09/02/2010 01:10:31 PM 630 Views
Hardly that simple. - 09/02/2010 01:17:08 PM 522 Views
You did just fine. - 09/02/2010 03:04:27 PM 625 Views
Sincerely, Simply Red. - 09/02/2010 01:25:17 PM 575 Views
Re: Sincerely, Simply Red. - 09/02/2010 03:06:19 PM 567 Views
Re: Sincerely, Simply Red. - 09/02/2010 07:40:57 PM 543 Views
Re: Simple survey. Random. - 09/02/2010 02:14:43 PM 499 Views
Re: Simple survey. Random. - 09/02/2010 03:08:31 PM 519 Views
no I just cook all my own food now - 09/02/2010 03:09:52 PM 615 Views
yay. - 09/02/2010 02:30:53 PM 587 Views
Re: yay. - 09/02/2010 03:10:27 PM 527 Views
Re: Simple survey. Random. - 09/02/2010 02:33:29 PM 510 Views
Re: Simple survey. Random. - 09/02/2010 03:11:13 PM 565 Views
Re: Simple survey. Random. - 09/02/2010 04:46:09 PM 549 Views
Re: Simple survey. Random. - 09/02/2010 03:11:26 PM 505 Views
I tried not to look at your signature. - 09/02/2010 03:16:11 PM 619 Views
My signature is not a piece of meat. - 09/02/2010 03:20:18 PM 639 Views
Simple answers - 09/02/2010 03:25:23 PM 594 Views
Re: Simple survey. Random. - 09/02/2010 03:45:02 PM 552 Views
oh this is much more entertaining. - 09/02/2010 04:25:13 PM 704 Views
Non-random answers to simple questions. - 09/02/2010 04:47:07 PM 591 Views
Hmmm. - 09/02/2010 04:51:21 PM 535 Views
Simple is good - 09/02/2010 05:03:11 PM 654 Views
My answers are all lies. - 09/02/2010 05:25:28 PM 615 Views
Re: Simple survey. Random. - 09/02/2010 05:43:25 PM 521 Views
Random House - 09/02/2010 07:19:49 PM 572 Views
Re: Simple survey. Random. - 11/02/2010 10:19:44 AM 554 Views

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