Active Users:785 Time:11/03/2025 06:57:54 PM
you're making a good job taking things out of context, Joel AgentOrange Send a noteboard - 03/02/2010 12:47:57 PM
I'm pretty sure Cannoli likes his government out of the way, like a good libertarian.
One of the few things everyone, including libertarians, do agree upon, is government should be there for wars of defense.
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Why bipartisanship can't work: the expert view - 01/02/2010 11:34:58 PM 846 Views
And a personal comment - 01/02/2010 11:39:28 PM 583 Views
Re: And a personal comment - 02/02/2010 01:16:53 AM 539 Views
Who's to say YOU really know what's happening in Washington, though? - 02/02/2010 01:41:20 AM 614 Views
*thumbs up* *NM* - 02/02/2010 01:50:45 AM 215 Views
Or should I say... ? *NM* - 02/02/2010 01:51:03 AM 238 Views
I Don't watch tv - 02/02/2010 02:29:53 AM 578 Views
not to mention those who mistake knowledge for understanding - 02/02/2010 10:41:14 PM 429 Views
Even so. - 05/02/2010 05:45:54 AM 451 Views
Like the NYT? - 05/02/2010 02:12:36 PM 485 Views
I don't believe the Times has ever conceded bias. - 05/02/2010 06:03:02 PM 510 Views
and neither does Fox so I am not sure that matters - 05/02/2010 06:40:15 PM 547 Views
Note that I didn't mention Fox (or anyone, for that matter. ) - 05/02/2010 07:13:31 PM 483 Views
PBS is biased - 05/02/2010 07:21:14 PM 456 Views
You're entitled to believe that. - 05/02/2010 07:31:07 PM 586 Views
PBS has an obvious yet undeclared bias so does NPR - 09/02/2010 04:47:53 AM 419 Views
We have been for some time. - 02/02/2010 03:31:10 AM 482 Views
I don't think that's the case - 03/02/2010 02:59:50 PM 457 Views
Universal healthcare was the primary plank in Clintons '92 platform. - 04/02/2010 10:02:18 AM 444 Views
That does not mean his bare plurality was an endorsement of National Healthcare - 04/02/2010 02:09:32 PM 572 Views
I don't think he won by default, and that was his primary issue. - 05/02/2010 08:09:50 AM 575 Views
Re: I don't think he won by default, and that was his primary issue. - 05/02/2010 03:52:23 PM 533 Views
[insert witty subject line here] - 06/02/2010 02:15:21 AM 569 Views
Let me break this into multiple replies here - 06/02/2010 07:45:36 PM 546 Views
'K - 08/02/2010 01:22:12 PM 533 Views
Probably time to go into 'summary mode' - 08/02/2010 07:34:55 PM 560 Views
Again, we're back to "how would you prefer to do it?" - 09/02/2010 09:42:51 AM 590 Views
Any way that works, which currently probably is none - 09/02/2010 06:12:41 PM 526 Views
I think HDI is more accurate than nothing, though it certainly needs some fine tuning. - 10/02/2010 11:03:08 AM 572 Views
Sorry for the delay... - 12/02/2010 11:40:21 PM 646 Views
NP, life happens. - 15/02/2010 02:06:55 PM 655 Views
I'll play a bigger age card since it was my third election to vote in and he won because of Perot - 05/02/2010 05:57:04 PM 467 Views
Let's put it another way: Why did Dems nominate him instead of, say, Gephardt? - 06/02/2010 02:22:04 AM 533 Views
you don't get mandates from primaries - 08/02/2010 02:12:29 PM 434 Views
No, but end of the day more people wanted healthcare than didn't. - 08/02/2010 03:09:31 PM 450 Views
everyone want health care they just don't want congress runnig it - 09/02/2010 04:56:44 AM 488 Views
Whom do you prefer? - 09/02/2010 10:07:39 AM 505 Views
Sorry not a big fan of socialism I hear it big over in Europe though - 09/02/2010 02:23:55 PM 412 Views
I prefer Thomas Woods Jr's description of bipartisanship - 02/02/2010 02:49:06 AM 469 Views
If only someone had stood up on 8 December, 1941 and said, "hey, you're not supposed to do stuff!" - 02/02/2010 03:28:38 AM 616 Views
you're making a good job taking things out of context, Joel - 03/02/2010 12:47:57 PM 433 Views
Pearl Harbor would never have happened to a classically liberal nation - 05/02/2010 01:33:56 AM 461 Views
Maybe; Billy Mitchell might debate that were he alive. - 05/02/2010 05:34:54 AM 572 Views
Wow - that was a dumb statement even for you! - 05/02/2010 04:22:59 PM 640 Views
Some information and a question - 02/03/2010 05:49:20 AM 978 Views
Or the democratic party has shifted so far to to the left they can't even get all of the dems - 02/02/2010 02:39:14 PM 441 Views
You didn't hear all the whining when Bush was in charge with a Republican Congress? - 02/02/2010 08:50:05 PM 456 Views
I there was plenty of whining going on - 02/02/2010 10:36:56 PM 381 Views
Is this you conceding that the GOP is being obstructionist? - 08/02/2010 01:43:04 PM 411 Views
I agree they are obstructing the libs from doing whatever they want - 08/02/2010 02:19:13 PM 341 Views
They've tried including Republicans in drafting bills. - 08/02/2010 03:08:17 PM 498 Views
tyring to pcik off one republican is not including republicans - 09/02/2010 05:03:44 AM 449 Views
Um... sorry, man.... - 10/02/2010 11:06:22 AM 607 Views

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