'Cos I don't find that phrase so very close to my own when I google his work. At this point what you said still sounds a lot closer to what I've said many times than anything I can find by Chesterton. I'm not saying it's not there, just that I need help finding it if it is, and since you have the quote ready to hand....
You are entitled to your mistaken opinion. Freedom of speech can be guaranteed without any property rights. So can freedom of assembly. So can suffrage. So can security of person. You might want to think about what you say before you say it. If you murder me in cold blood you haven't "stolen" my life, you've just killed me, a real infringement on my rights, but not on my property rights.
You have to recognize people AS people before you recognize any inherent rights they possess. I used to regard that as so implicitly obvious most people don't consciously think about it, so might need an explicit reminder. Evidently a few people actually DO need to be told, however. Very sad.
It's not "obvious" at all; slavery was common practice throughout the world for millennia and no one thought it especially odd. In fact, from the Servile Wars to the Civil War millions thought ABOLITION was the oddness; it was an afront to their property rights and they didn't see something else took precedence. Something called "civil rights. " No, rights were not respected equally, you're correct in that, but I notice in saying so you don't mention property rights at all. Probably because they don't apply.
That's awesome, except if it were true the Civil War on the basis of "ending slavery" (which wasn't the motive of those in control, but that's another thread) would be ILLEGAL because "property is the highest of civil rights" and thus anything done to a person you own is OK. Again, that was the problem with justifying the war as attempted: Slavery needed to be abolished not because the majority wanted it (which didn't happen to be true in 1865) and therefore the federal prerogative preempted personal rights, it needed to be abolished because slaves were people, too, with all the pursuant rights the federal government is OBLIGATED to protect.
We're not dealing with men in the wilderness, as much as many libertarians think they wish we were. A man in the wilderness is free to be eaten by a bear or die from shock or exposure if he falls off a cliff and breaks his leg, too. He can "claim" as much land as he wants, or claim to fly or anything else, but it doesn't make it so, and in the case of rights it's not even relevant until there's someone else there to argue the point. If a man in the wilderness meets a bigger stronger man his rights against illegal search and seizure extend only so far as his feet can carry him. There are certain tradeoffs we make to live in civilized society, but if you find those objectionable, feel free to leave any time with my blessing. Whether the things I mentioned are civil rights is open to debate, yes (though I think it difficult to maintain the negative position on that) but I think a strong argument can be made.
Morality is not the primary consideration here any more than in paying taxes to support a defensive military, a municipal fire department or any other basic government service. Much as with violent, property and other crimes the moral dimension is not why we have laws against them, the social dimension is: Society cannot function if such things are allowed. Again, if you want to live by the law of the jungle, say hi to the lions and tigers and bears for me. And btw, if you're going to trot out the standard response of why those things are different even though they're identical, that invariably reduces to "because I directly benefit" save us both some time and trouble. I don't have time to waste with that.
Cite an instance of someone else saying the same thing in virtually the same words but applying it to a different topic and I'll do what you should've done whether you were quoting me or anyone else: Attribute it to its author rather than passing it off as my own thought.
It's less about who I am than how often I used the phrase. Anyone who's been around long enough to have read many of my CMB posts will have certainly read it whether or not they recall it, and I even used it a few times when I still posted on the WoTMB regularly. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that you remember (most of) the phrase without recalling who said it or even that someone else did, but: I did say it long before this, many times, and feel within my right correcting a misquotation made in ignorance or otherwise.
Only one "variable" was changed (though its usage is closer to a constant here, since it's appealed to as an absolute. ) To say that all x stems from y because otherwise z can and will revoke x when they please isn't terribly common at all. In fact, I've only seen it two places: Many of my posts, and one of yours (in that order. ) Not in Chesterton, to date. Link...?
I won't speculate on your motives or anything else, but trying to defend claiming someone elses statement as your own on the basis that you don't respect them enough to quote is pathetically weak.
Right, and that's a valid position, but on recognizing that you liked the way someone better stated a position at which you both arrived you quoted them and identified it as a quote. That's what you're supposed to do. Consistently. If only so that people can go directly to your source and verify you haven't misquoted them. Misquoting them in a way that turns their statement on its head and not bothering to cite them is... a mistake... at best....
There has never nor will there ever be a perfect democracy, in part because conflicting rights must be resolved and in part because humans are fallen beings. "Natural rights" is a non-starter because nature itself endows little more than the "right" to die, and appeals to a higher authority run afoul of the problem that not everyone recognizes the same authority, so not everyone would respect rights granted by any particular one. Though if we go there I must ask: If natural rights aren't synonymous with civil rights does that mean lower animals possess them? Asserting the "rights" of a man alone is absurd because rights don't become a relevant concept until threatened (i.e. multiple humans arguing whose rights take precedence. ) Try railing at God about infringed rights next time you're struck by lightning (which I suspect is imminent....
) Note, btw, that not only are you asserting natural rights to preempt property rights (which you say in the disputed statement are preeminent) but essentially equating them with civil rights (unless we accept them as granted by a Creator, which is fine, as soon as we agree on WHICH Creator, and until then irrelevant for social contracts. ) Calling civil rights natural rights because you don't want to concede the primacy of the former is semantics that should be beneath us both.
On that last point we agree. Slavery was, however, an infringement on personal rights, and asserting one of those personal rights (property) in its defense was inane. The shameful part is that Northern politicians allowed it to be done, accepted the debate in those terms, in the service of abolishing states rights (of which secession is one) along with slavery. For most states the understanding secession was legitimate was a condition of ratifying the Constitution, and no lesser light than Thomas Jefferson asserted its legitimacy within a generation of the Civil War. Yet to affirm it now is considered tantamount to treason. All because the North let the South make slavery about property rights then bashed their heads in until the Northern view prevailed.
Meanwhile, I've noted several civil rights regarded near universally as sacrosanct and that have zero to do with property rights. Most could be denied without affecting property rights at all, but property rights could be completely denied without affecting any. So any "arrogant... limitation[s]" on mental faculty are not mine. Hmmm... can someone really make the longest posts on the site if half of what they say they're just regurgitating without citing...?
You've displayed amazing semantics, ad hominems, misquotation (at least) and illogical inconsistency. It's WORSE than sophistry, but sophistry alone is enough that, once again, I consider it a forfeit and count anything further gravy. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to keep ones composure and calmly perforate their arguments until trolls foam at the mouth. *favorites* Thanks.
I'll not leap to conclusions; I ran around for twenty years thinking I coined a phrase from Voltaire because the only times I'd ever seen it was immediately after typing it. If someone else said it though, you either misquoted them or their logic is all shot to hell. The line is that CIVIL RIGHTS are fundamental, because it is without those that all others become but privileges granted by a powerful elite who can and will rescind them when it suits them.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I was not quoting anything aside from Ballad of the White Horse. I was stating my own position in my own words. I am not quoting whatever you claim to have said (why would I? ), so there is no mistake. And without property rights, no one can guarantee civil rights.You are entitled to your mistaken opinion. Freedom of speech can be guaranteed without any property rights. So can freedom of assembly. So can suffrage. So can security of person. You might want to think about what you say before you say it. If you murder me in cold blood you haven't "stolen" my life, you've just killed me, a real infringement on my rights, but not on my property rights.
You have to recognize people AS people before you recognize any inherent rights they possess. I used to regard that as so implicitly obvious most people don't consciously think about it, so might need an explicit reminder. Evidently a few people actually DO need to be told, however. Very sad.
Otherwise the proper response to "why are you raping that girl?" would be "because I own her; wanna see the receipt?"
Obviously you can't own people. Their own prior claim of ownership supercedes a slaveowner's. But this just illustrates the point - rights were not respected equally, which caused the problem. It's not "obvious" at all; slavery was common practice throughout the world for millennia and no one thought it especially odd. In fact, from the Servile Wars to the Civil War millions thought ABOLITION was the oddness; it was an afront to their property rights and they didn't see something else took precedence. Something called "civil rights. " No, rights were not respected equally, you're correct in that, but I notice in saying so you don't mention property rights at all. Probably because they don't apply.
We fought a war over this, remember?
The Souths logical and strategic error there was making it about state and property rights, because civil rights trump both; that's why the Ninth and Tenth Amendments are written as they are.
And property is the highest of civil rights. Since it is not listed as a prerogative of the government, individual property rights trump State AND Federal powers, by virtue of those very Amendments. 
That's awesome, except if it were true the Civil War on the basis of "ending slavery" (which wasn't the motive of those in control, but that's another thread) would be ILLEGAL because "property is the highest of civil rights" and thus anything done to a person you own is OK. Again, that was the problem with justifying the war as attempted: Slavery needed to be abolished not because the majority wanted it (which didn't happen to be true in 1865) and therefore the federal prerogative preempted personal rights, it needed to be abolished because slaves were people, too, with all the pursuant rights the federal government is OBLIGATED to protect.
The legacy of that error is how many people think only racists believe in states rights because they think the Civil War repealed the 10th Amendment. Because the South made civil and property rights equal, but subordinate to absolute states rights, and industrialists chafing at planter dominance let them, knowing what would happen. It's also why when I hear people complaining their earnings are being "stolen" to provide people who'd get them no other way health care, food, housing, education and other things I consider civil rights
Those are not civil rights. They are invented and bullshit rights. A man alone in the wilderness will NOT be provided food, housing or health care. He CAN claim all the property he wants, right up until it transgresses someone else's claim. He HAS life, and he is free from being murdered. He has the liberty to do whatever he wishes, so long as he does not transgress on others' liberty. He has the right to engage in whatever pursuits make him happy. These are naturally occurring rights, because absent human institutions, he still has them, and only artificial, anthroprogenic activity can restrict them! On the other hand, those rights you sniveling grasshoppers proclaim CANNOT happen without human institutions. They not only require OTHER people to produce those things, but they require an outside agency to redistribute them. There is absolutely NO basis for those rights aside from the wishful thinking of spoiled children who think they are entitled to what they want. We're not dealing with men in the wilderness, as much as many libertarians think they wish we were. A man in the wilderness is free to be eaten by a bear or die from shock or exposure if he falls off a cliff and breaks his leg, too. He can "claim" as much land as he wants, or claim to fly or anything else, but it doesn't make it so, and in the case of rights it's not even relevant until there's someone else there to argue the point. If a man in the wilderness meets a bigger stronger man his rights against illegal search and seizure extend only so far as his feet can carry him. There are certain tradeoffs we make to live in civilized society, but if you find those objectionable, feel free to leave any time with my blessing. Whether the things I mentioned are civil rights is open to debate, yes (though I think it difficult to maintain the negative position on that) but I think a strong argument can be made.
I just stare at them in the hope the sheer growing weight of my contempt will alert them to their logical error and help them remember their humanity, if no one elses.
What logical error? That is your own preference and personal view, and by your own admission, you have no argument, merely an assertion of your presumed moral superiority! Keep your morality the fuck to yourself! It is not mine, and you have no right to impose it on me, any more than I have the right to convert you to my Church by force!Morality is not the primary consideration here any more than in paying taxes to support a defensive military, a municipal fire department or any other basic government service. Much as with violent, property and other crimes the moral dimension is not why we have laws against them, the social dimension is: Society cannot function if such things are allowed. Again, if you want to live by the law of the jungle, say hi to the lions and tigers and bears for me. And btw, if you're going to trot out the standard response of why those things are different even though they're identical, that invariably reduces to "because I directly benefit" save us both some time and trouble. I don't have time to waste with that.
I'm annoyed on several levels now: I feel you quoted me without attribution,
Blow it out your ass, douchebag, and get over yourself. Cite an instance of someone else saying the same thing in virtually the same words but applying it to a different topic and I'll do what you should've done whether you were quoting me or anyone else: Attribute it to its author rather than passing it off as my own thought.
inaccurately, to rebutt the very point I frequently made on wotmania.
As if I even remember what that was, or who you were. Who the hell do you think you are that I would consider your opinion to be worth quoting in an argument? It's less about who I am than how often I used the phrase. Anyone who's been around long enough to have read many of my CMB posts will have certainly read it whether or not they recall it, and I even used it a few times when I still posted on the WoTMB regularly. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that you remember (most of) the phrase without recalling who said it or even that someone else did, but: I did say it long before this, many times, and feel within my right correcting a misquotation made in ignorance or otherwise.
If you have an independent source for the statement in question I'll withdraw my first and possibly my second objection, with sincere and humble apologies, but the construction is so similar to something I said on wotmania more times than I could count I can't believe it coincidental; change "property" to "civil" and it's just a (thinly disguised) paraphrase.
GET. OVER. YOURSELF. It's a fairly commonplace way to express an idea. The idea that one concept is superior to another is a frequently occurring human notion. I chose the words I did because I felt they were the best words to express the equation. That someone else chose similar words to express the same equation with different variables is a matter of supreme indifference to me. The idea that I find ANYONE on this site to be any kind of authority worth quoting as an argument or so eloquent as to be worth borrowing their words is hilariously absurd. Only one "variable" was changed (though its usage is closer to a constant here, since it's appealed to as an absolute. ) To say that all x stems from y because otherwise z can and will revoke x when they please isn't terribly common at all. In fact, I've only seen it two places: Many of my posts, and one of yours (in that order. ) Not in Chesterton, to date. Link...?
I won't speculate on your motives or anything else, but trying to defend claiming someone elses statement as your own on the basis that you don't respect them enough to quote is pathetically weak.
Also, you clearly did use another quote because you formatted it accordingly (but still without attribution. )
It was a quote from a poem, that I felt expressed why my religious views on a particular situation had no bearing on my political position. In this case, I feel that even if sinful or morally objectionable, it is not the sort of behavior you can legislate away without more serious consequences. If they are in the wrong, God will sort them out, and there is no need to introduce a dangerous precedent of government legislating morality, merely to save the souls of a few who would not choose salvation on their own.Right, and that's a valid position, but on recognizing that you liked the way someone better stated a position at which you both arrived you quoted them and identified it as a quote. That's what you're supposed to do. Consistently. If only so that people can go directly to your source and verify you haven't misquoted them. Misquoting them in a way that turns their statement on its head and not bothering to cite them is... a mistake... at best....
The last objection stands regardless: If someone else said it first and in that way, they're wrong; if property rights>civil rights people could be property in a democracy
What does democracy have to do with it? People have been property in lots of democracies, and the form of government has nothing to do with the principles. I would prefer a dictatorship with a mechanism to ensure that natural rights were protected over a democracy any day, since in the latter, they can be repealed at the will of the majority. And YOU are the one who is wrong, because if natural rights are respected consistantly (and slavery is a violation of THOSE rights, NOT civil rights), then people could not be property.There has never nor will there ever be a perfect democracy, in part because conflicting rights must be resolved and in part because humans are fallen beings. "Natural rights" is a non-starter because nature itself endows little more than the "right" to die, and appeals to a higher authority run afoul of the problem that not everyone recognizes the same authority, so not everyone would respect rights granted by any particular one. Though if we go there I must ask: If natural rights aren't synonymous with civil rights does that mean lower animals possess them? Asserting the "rights" of a man alone is absurd because rights don't become a relevant concept until threatened (i.e. multiple humans arguing whose rights take precedence. ) Try railing at God about infringed rights next time you're struck by lightning (which I suspect is imminent....

and we'd need to repeal different Amendments than the Tenth. I'll go further: Excepting states rights, I can think of no right in this country that is not given to INDIVIDUALS, making property and all other rights particular civil rights (and once again subordinating property rights to a greater one. )
I am not interested in the limitations of the imagination of an arrogant moralist who thinks to impose his own views of what constitutes humanity on everyone. Property is an inherent natural right, and is not a particular right handed out at the whim of a government. Under the US Constitution, since property ownership is not a power given to the governments, it is reserved to the people. But I don't give a damn about the Constitution. I was talking about the concept in its own right, regardless of the peculiar legal situation in any given polity. Slavery was, after all, permitted in the Constitution. That did not make it right, nor did it excuse the President levying war on the States without a declaration from Congress, or negate the right of secession. On that last point we agree. Slavery was, however, an infringement on personal rights, and asserting one of those personal rights (property) in its defense was inane. The shameful part is that Northern politicians allowed it to be done, accepted the debate in those terms, in the service of abolishing states rights (of which secession is one) along with slavery. For most states the understanding secession was legitimate was a condition of ratifying the Constitution, and no lesser light than Thomas Jefferson asserted its legitimacy within a generation of the Civil War. Yet to affirm it now is considered tantamount to treason. All because the North let the South make slavery about property rights then bashed their heads in until the Northern view prevailed.
Meanwhile, I've noted several civil rights regarded near universally as sacrosanct and that have zero to do with property rights. Most could be denied without affecting property rights at all, but property rights could be completely denied without affecting any. So any "arrogant... limitation[s]" on mental faculty are not mine. Hmmm... can someone really make the longest posts on the site if half of what they say they're just regurgitating without citing...?
You've displayed amazing semantics, ad hominems, misquotation (at least) and illogical inconsistency. It's WORSE than sophistry, but sophistry alone is enough that, once again, I consider it a forfeit and count anything further gravy. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to keep ones composure and calmly perforate their arguments until trolls foam at the mouth. *favorites* Thanks.

Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.
Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!
LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.
Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
I may have lost a friend over same sex marriage
17/01/2010 08:03:26 AM
the problem with your friend is the "southern evangelical christian" part
17/01/2010 09:07:02 AM
They believe gay marriage is ongoing unrepentant sin.
17/01/2010 12:04:58 PM
God your a moron.
17/01/2010 09:10:17 PM
That was remarkably unconstructive.
18/01/2010 12:13:45 AM
youll have to excuse Adam, he is a Heathen, its not his fault
18/01/2010 06:26:34 AM

Ad hominems w/o substance are never excusable, especially in one who knows beter: They're forfeits.
18/01/2010 06:39:33 AM
<shrug> They can believe that all that they like
18/01/2010 08:07:28 PM
And live accordingly. Just like everyone else.
18/01/2010 11:10:51 PM
You can't use logic in an irrational argument.
17/01/2010 10:12:11 AM
LOL... *NM*
18/01/2010 05:21:14 AM
You and Adam are being equally unconstructive.
18/01/2010 06:21:45 AM
First, I'm nothing at all like Adam.
18/01/2010 06:33:54 AM
I was similarly unclear what prompted the comments, but I only needed you to elaborate a little.
18/01/2010 07:37:43 AM
Not much of a friend then. Good ridance to bad friends. *NM*
17/01/2010 08:51:02 PM
I agree. A friend who can't respect differences of opinion is no friend at all. *NM*
17/01/2010 09:11:33 PM
seriously. *NM*
17/01/2010 10:46:17 PM
Only because such sentiment is my pet peeve...condemning exclusivity is hypocritical. *NM*
19/01/2010 12:37:37 AM
It forces other people to accept THEIR ideology that same sex unions are legitimate.
18/01/2010 01:49:20 AM
I would assume, then, that you don't support any government-mandated health care?
18/01/2010 02:07:40 AM
18/01/2010 04:29:04 AM
Although I disagree with the vast majority of your arguments,
18/01/2010 08:50:09 AM
Thank you.
20/01/2010 01:47:34 AM
Please tell me you have a source for that quotation. Other than me.
21/01/2010 12:31:27 PM
It's GK Chesterton! What the hell are you going on about?
27/01/2010 02:41:00 AM
we do not exist in a free market.
18/01/2010 04:09:37 AM
And that's bad. Since when has the correct response to oppression been "accept further oppression"? *NM*
18/01/2010 04:30:44 AM
I am simply pointing out your arguments do not apply to the present economic environment.
18/01/2010 04:46:04 AM
That's utter nonsense.
18/01/2010 04:19:57 AM
Re: That's utter nonsense.
18/01/2010 04:41:27 AM
Re: That's utter nonsense.
18/01/2010 07:15:50 AM
Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
18/01/2010 07:49:27 AM

I really dont like the idea of a black person marrying a white person
18/01/2010 06:36:26 AM
That's such an amusing argument
18/01/2010 08:17:15 PM
And you're fairly appalling in either pretending to misunderstand free markets or in your stupidity
27/01/2010 03:00:21 AM
I'm against people with pasta based nicknames on fantasy forums *NM*
19/01/2010 03:03:31 PM
cannoli is a pastry
19/01/2010 07:25:04 PM

I have no problem with people with pastry based names, just pasta
21/01/2010 12:28:44 AM
you acept your friends with their warts or you don't
18/01/2010 06:45:13 PM
I think you missed who was the one to walk out *NM*
18/01/2010 08:01:25 PM
I don't think it was that clear
18/01/2010 10:01:32 PM