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They believe gay marriage is ongoing unrepentant sin. Joel Send a noteboard - 17/01/2010 12:04:58 PM
She once told me that she believes I should turn to Christ if I want to save my soul, and that I wont go to heaven in her eyes even if I am a nice person because I dont except Jesus as my savior and what not.

i knew a born-again baptist (probably holding the same beliefs as your friend) who told me the exact same thing. that it doesn't matter if you live your life according to the teachings of jesus if you never accept jesus as your personal savior blah blah blah. in other words, if you don't believe in jesus, it doesn't matter if you do good in the world or not because you'll automatically go straight to hell whether you believe in the christian afterlife or not

anyway, i find it interesting that what originally started as a diversionary issue has become such a big civil rights discussion. i have to agree with some of the analysis on the supreme court decision: whether or not the supreme court strikes down the marriage bans at this stage of the game, it will be difficult to get the nation to accept the decision because there is such strong division on the issue.

i don't understand the rationale behind the opposition except that they hate homosexuality for some reason, and legitimizing it by allowing gay marriage is basically shaking their belief structure to the core. i also think that because it's such a strongly divisive issue right now, that the opposition is going to rationalize any fringe issue to deny gay marriage and make it such a scary thing to people who might be on the fence about it....

It's a common problem with sexual immorality; which is the bigger challenge, for a thief to stop stealing, or for the adulterer to break up with his mistress of 15 years? There's more to it than just, "I'm not going to do that anymore" there's a lot of baggage involved, and a lot of continual inducement to backslide, but then, in a very real sense sin is the ultimate lethal addiction. Assuming the person actually wants to stop; otherwise, well, it's situations like this that coined the phrase "LIVING in sin" and it was almost invariably applied to heterosexuals. It's one thing to commit one sin, whether or not one repents, and quite another to be actively engaged in it on an ongoing basis for decades. I steal your car I have to deal with it once; if I sleep with your wife we sin every single time, past, present and future.

Now, as to why gay marriage is singled out when there are plenty of such examples, I think it boils down to being more visible, and visibly in the minority. People weren't any easier on Jimmy Swaggart for sleeping with a female hooker than they were on Ted Haggard (in fact, I think they were worse) but they don't have heterosexual pride parades (and it would probably be called discriminatory if we did, but that's a whole other rant. ) Same reason the Nazis went after the Jews: There were enough of them to make a good target, but not so many as to make a DANGEROUS target. Not to mention there are few things hypocrites love more than pointing out faults in others, or hate more than seeing their own faults reflected in others.

With that out of the way:

You can't live your life according to Jesus' teachings without accepting Him as personal savior, because that is one of His teachings. A rather significant one.

It's not that doing good in the world doesn't matter, it's that no amount of good will undo the evil EVERYONE commits to varying extents. Again, we're dealing with a perfect being; He doesn't grade on a curve: It's pass/fail (believe it or not, that's not always good. ) It's also not zero sum; if you were still in school and cheated on a test you couldn't get away with it by saying, "but I didn't cheat on these other five tests and got a perfect score, plus I do volunteer tutoring on the weekends. " There are no "little" sins; you're either perfect or not (we're not. ) You don't earn your way into heaven, 'cos then it's about you, and it ain't about you.

Hence that section in I Corinthians to which I keep returning: Jews seek signs and Greeks, wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews an offense and to the Greeks nonsense. Has to be that way, because the vindication isn't of Jew or Greek or you or me, but God; it's a free gift of unmerited Grace, that none should boast. Yes, that's a paraphrase, but without double checking I think it's pretty close. The Jews didn't show us the way because they're so holy, nor the Greeks because they're so smart: God showed us the way, 'cos He's God. God ALWAYS comes first; treating others as we want to be treated and being faithful stewards of His creation are the primary means, but never confuse the means with the ends.

All Christians, including me, would do well to remember that more often: Before anyone gets self-righteous, we should each remember all we've EARNED is death, but we've been GIVEN something much better, so credit where it's due. That and the Holy Spirit are what drive the true evangelist, because, quite literally, there but for the Grace of God go I. It's a problem many can never bridge with non-Christian friends, because after all the crap that's been spewed over the years, how do you connect? You don't want your friends to spend eternity in hell, however you understand the term, but you don't want to ruin a friendship over it either (which won't help them anyway. ) The sad thing is I think most people don't really need to do much more than acknowledge God and their sins and try to do better, but it's not "I want to do better to avoid hell" or "to be happier" or even "to help others" it's "to please my Father. "

That is the key difference between Christianity and other religions, and it's every bit as big as Christ as both divine and human savior. There is no "good enough" and if you steal a chocolate as a child, then go on to found a dozen orphanages you're still as screwed as Stalin unless you repent and ask forgiveness (or conversely, he's as free and clear as you if you both do so. ) Anyone who thinks that's a get out of jail free card has missed the point again: It may be free to us, but it came at the highest possible price; WE just didn't pay it. It's at once free and priceless (abracadabra. ) Rather staggering when you really think of it: Perfect being, owes us nothing (except eradication of sin) and we want nothing to do with Him--so He dies to save us.

Not saying anyone has to accept it, but that's the Christian mindset, so far as it's been given me to understand, and I think most Christians at the site will agree. Sin, in any form ( "degrees" are irrelevant; I can't commit a little sin any more than I can be a little pregnant, and filching something from someones room is as reprehensible to God as blowing up a school bus) has to be as intolerable to us as it is to God. That's not the problem here; the problem here is people thinking their own slates are clean (I've never understood it, but there is a group that seems to believe once "born again" they're literally incapable of sin; if only... ) and forget that if other Christians had treated them like they treat non-Christians they'd be on the bullet train to hell. They eagerly await the coming of a vengeful Lord to pat them on the head while their foes look on and then annihilate those foes, but, once again, it ain't about you. If it helps, I believe James and John asked Jesus if He wanted them to call down fire from heaven on the town that wouldn't let them in; He was... less than charmed by the idea. It's kind of a recurring theme: People harsh on Jesus, the disciples want to literally unleash the wrath of God, Jesus has to remind them that 1) He doesn't need their help to do that (rather the reverse) and 2) He's actually got bigger plans than mass slaughter. So I and the ban-happy are no worse (or better) than the first disciples.

I'd apologize for the length, but if you aren't used to it by now you'll never be (and this time I think it's important, though I concede it's not the first time I've preached this sermon in this community. )
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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I may have lost a friend over same sex marriage - 17/01/2010 08:03:26 AM 1456 Views
the problem with your friend is the "southern evangelical christian" part - 17/01/2010 09:07:02 AM 763 Views
They believe gay marriage is ongoing unrepentant sin. - 17/01/2010 12:04:58 PM 763 Views
God your a moron. - 17/01/2010 09:10:17 PM 717 Views
be nice - 18/01/2010 06:26:58 AM 618 Views
<shrug> They can believe that all that they like - 18/01/2010 08:07:28 PM 671 Views
And live accordingly. Just like everyone else. - 18/01/2010 11:10:51 PM 675 Views
Re: And live accordingly. Just like everyone else. - 20/01/2010 10:40:36 PM 632 Views
It is, I believe, hardest for the intelligent educated man. - 21/01/2010 10:29:39 AM 761 Views
You can't use logic in an irrational argument. - 17/01/2010 10:12:11 AM 659 Views
LOL... *NM* - 18/01/2010 05:21:14 AM 362 Views
You and Adam are being equally unconstructive. - 18/01/2010 06:21:45 AM 580 Views
why do you imply "constructive" is in anyway the intent? *NM* - 18/01/2010 06:32:27 AM 287 Views
*shrug* I never stopped believing in lost causes? - 18/01/2010 07:36:04 AM 578 Views
Re: You can't use logic in an irrational argument. - 18/01/2010 06:28:41 AM 717 Views
Always welcome. - 18/01/2010 07:31:27 AM 818 Views
We finally converted you - 17/01/2010 08:43:25 PM 602 Views
Not much of a friend then. Good ridance to bad friends. *NM* - 17/01/2010 08:51:02 PM 429 Views
I agree. A friend who can't respect differences of opinion is no friend at all. *NM* - 17/01/2010 09:11:33 PM 288 Views
seriously. *NM* - 17/01/2010 10:46:17 PM 246 Views
Only because such sentiment is my pet peeve...condemning exclusivity is hypocritical. *NM* - 19/01/2010 12:37:37 AM 313 Views
yeah no kidding - 18/01/2010 06:30:45 AM 584 Views
It forces other people to accept THEIR ideology that same sex unions are legitimate. - 18/01/2010 01:49:20 AM 760 Views
I would assume, then, that you don't support any government-mandated health care? - 18/01/2010 02:07:40 AM 580 Views
Correct - 18/01/2010 04:29:04 AM 667 Views
Although I disagree with the vast majority of your arguments, - 18/01/2010 08:50:09 AM 635 Views
Thank you. - 20/01/2010 01:47:34 AM 812 Views
Please tell me you have a source for that quotation. Other than me. - 21/01/2010 12:31:27 PM 672 Views
It's GK Chesterton! What the hell are you going on about? - 27/01/2010 02:41:00 AM 549 Views
Link? - 27/01/2010 09:28:22 AM 646 Views
I can't find a link to the exact quote - 27/01/2010 12:14:19 PM 754 Views
Re: Link? - 27/01/2010 01:38:36 PM 775 Views
Perhaps we should define our terms more precisely. - 15/02/2010 11:28:09 AM 1142 Views
we do not exist in a free market. - 18/01/2010 04:09:37 AM 590 Views
And that's bad. Since when has the correct response to oppression been "accept further oppression"? *NM* - 18/01/2010 04:30:44 AM 295 Views
I am simply pointing out your arguments do not apply to the present economic environment. - 18/01/2010 04:46:04 AM 537 Views
No I am not. - 19/01/2010 10:44:31 PM 669 Views
That's utter nonsense. - 18/01/2010 04:19:57 AM 623 Views
Re: That's utter nonsense. - 18/01/2010 04:41:27 AM 640 Views
civil marriages DO have a purpose. - 18/01/2010 04:49:12 AM 620 Views
Re: civil marriages DO have a purpose. - 19/01/2010 10:47:18 PM 680 Views
Re: That's utter nonsense. - 18/01/2010 07:13:54 AM 625 Views
Re: That's utter nonsense. - 19/01/2010 10:59:45 PM 586 Views
Re: That's utter nonsense. - 18/01/2010 07:15:50 AM 703 Views
Re: That's utter nonsense. - 20/01/2010 01:38:37 AM 507 Views
Are you at all surprised? - 18/01/2010 07:59:30 AM 612 Views
A truly free country means I don't have the freedom to shoot you - 18/01/2010 05:57:44 AM 707 Views
You really said nothing, right there. - 18/01/2010 08:34:33 AM 660 Views
I presume you are equally against the current set up - 18/01/2010 12:31:33 PM 691 Views
He said as much in his response to me above. *NM* - 18/01/2010 09:37:49 PM 233 Views
That's such an amusing argument - 18/01/2010 08:17:15 PM 581 Views
I'm against people with pasta based nicknames on fantasy forums *NM* - 19/01/2010 03:03:31 PM 253 Views
cannoli is a pastry *NM* - 19/01/2010 07:25:04 PM 231 Views
I have no problem with people with pastry based names, just pasta - 21/01/2010 12:28:44 AM 544 Views
I can't help but find it funny - 18/01/2010 12:51:57 PM 557 Views
So... - 18/01/2010 03:39:33 PM 701 Views
I think you missed who was the one to walk out - 18/01/2010 04:11:05 PM 581 Views
you acept your friends with their warts or you don't - 18/01/2010 06:45:13 PM 688 Views
I think you missed who was the one to walk out *NM* - 18/01/2010 08:01:25 PM 215 Views
I don't think it was that clear - 18/01/2010 10:01:32 PM 613 Views
I don't think it is all that clear yet, either - 18/01/2010 10:27:54 PM 643 Views
I wasn't taking sides - 18/01/2010 10:57:39 PM 519 Views

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