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Yeesh. nossy Send a noteboard - 16/01/2010 03:12:58 PM
You don't ever eat potatoes and gravy and let the bread get in on the action?:confused:

Not that it's that far from pancakes and syrup to sopping up butter dissolved in syrup, but it's always seemed to me Europeans and other Yankees tend not to sop up things. :P Are you SURE you're one of them...? :confused:

They do when the food is too good to waste.:P I like eating soups and stews and gravy-ey things with bread as a side. Other than those, I don't usually have something that I can sop up with bread, so maybe that's why this doesn't happen much in the north?
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What is the most American meal, iyo? - 14/01/2010 01:28:37 PM 1560 Views
well BESIDES burgers - 14/01/2010 01:35:12 PM 925 Views
it doesn't bother me - 14/01/2010 01:40:23 PM 895 Views
The only reason you can get a hamburger anywhere - 14/01/2010 01:45:18 PM 865 Views
If one can get a burger anywhere, how does it make it less American? - 14/01/2010 02:59:12 PM 885 Views
I'm fine with it being the quintessential american food - 14/01/2010 03:01:48 PM 844 Views
So then why didn't you structure the question differently? - 14/01/2010 05:00:36 PM 695 Views
Because I didn't care to. And I still wouldn't. - 14/01/2010 05:53:23 PM 889 Views
Gravy and biscuits. I don't really know what that is, but it's very American. - 14/01/2010 01:36:57 PM 930 Views
I'll have to make it for you! - 14/01/2010 01:39:08 PM 867 Views
...that is gross. - 14/01/2010 01:45:53 PM 799 Views
It was a play on words. - 14/01/2010 02:00:54 PM 818 Views
To be fair - 14/01/2010 02:30:26 PM 883 Views
I actually thought of that too. - 14/01/2010 03:16:34 PM 907 Views
Oooh. Is it tasty? - 14/01/2010 01:46:37 PM 1011 Views
Real ones are ridiculously yummy - 14/01/2010 01:48:55 PM 886 Views
Sadly - 14/01/2010 02:28:59 PM 864 Views
- 14/01/2010 03:40:13 PM 948 Views
Not sweet scones, clearly! - 14/01/2010 03:43:58 PM 938 Views
Still - 14/01/2010 04:04:34 PM 753 Views
Re: Still - 14/01/2010 04:07:50 PM 887 Views
Ok, I know this is not that strange. - 14/01/2010 05:59:37 PM 797 Views
Re: Ok, I know this is not that strange. - 14/01/2010 11:20:56 PM 922 Views
Wait till they hear what my dad did with syrup and butter.... - 16/01/2010 12:04:10 AM 886 Views
Yeesh. - 16/01/2010 03:12:58 PM 757 Views
It's VERY good. - 17/01/2010 02:22:18 AM 944 Views
Mmmmm.. - 14/01/2010 04:45:30 PM 858 Views
Biscuits and gravy is my favorite breakfast food! - 14/01/2010 08:53:22 PM 936 Views
I've wondered what the hell that is - 15/01/2010 07:43:25 AM 756 Views
It's a savory bread, not a sweet one. - 15/01/2010 07:44:56 AM 679 Views
So American biscuits = bread? - 15/01/2010 07:49:27 AM 909 Views
See my reply - 15/01/2010 09:27:50 AM 966 Views
Re: See my reply - 15/01/2010 02:13:02 PM 929 Views
Re: See my reply - 15/01/2010 02:55:55 PM 896 Views
Crazy mixed up people - 15/01/2010 03:06:45 PM 977 Views
I know! - 15/01/2010 03:18:02 PM 963 Views
you can see the difference in this wiki link. - 15/01/2010 11:14:03 AM 948 Views
Ah... - 15/01/2010 02:19:18 PM 905 Views
Re: Ah... - 15/01/2010 02:58:42 PM 840 Views
I'll just have to take your word for it. - 15/01/2010 03:11:05 PM 819 Views
If it helps, it's not a watery gravy. It's very thick and creamy. - 15/01/2010 03:42:32 PM 897 Views
No, sorry - 17/01/2010 11:59:02 AM 886 Views
Peanuts and hot dogs at a baseball game is a pretty american meal *NM* - 14/01/2010 01:47:20 PM 404 Views
ohhh! you inspired me! Noss! I have the truest American Food!! - 14/01/2010 01:48:34 PM 939 Views
Exactly. - 14/01/2010 01:50:19 PM 837 Views
Jelly=Jello elsewhere, I have learned. - 14/01/2010 01:57:27 PM 850 Views
Yeah. I probably should say jam, but I'm a rebel. *NM* - 14/01/2010 01:58:47 PM 524 Views
Jam/=jelly. - 15/01/2010 10:10:56 PM 833 Views
That's no food... - 14/01/2010 02:08:08 PM 942 Views
White bread, of course. - 14/01/2010 02:14:19 PM 833 Views
anything you can order from your car *NM* - 14/01/2010 01:52:22 PM 487 Views
Huge sandwiches and subs - 14/01/2010 02:03:26 PM 761 Views
Is that your version of the truth? - 14/01/2010 02:07:20 PM 894 Views
peanutbutter and jelly sandwitch - 14/01/2010 02:12:16 PM 899 Views
Sand Witches are quite scary. - 14/01/2010 02:15:11 PM 830 Views
They are - 14/01/2010 02:16:50 PM 827 Views
Having witnessed your first mistake ever, at least I consider you human now *NM* - 14/01/2010 02:18:47 PM 465 Views
It might be a whatchamacallit - 14/01/2010 02:19:58 PM 829 Views
Dread? It doesn't inspire nearly as much dread as pickled fish or marmite. *NM* - 14/01/2010 02:40:13 PM 513 Views
I had not heard of that before - 14/01/2010 02:41:42 PM 882 Views
pickled fish is not very tasty, but it is not that gross... - 14/01/2010 05:46:28 PM 774 Views
It's quite good; ask Lene about it. - 15/01/2010 10:13:56 PM 907 Views
They do not make grape jelly/jam/preserves/conserves here. I know. - 16/01/2010 03:15:18 PM 825 Views
Horror! Do they at least have strawberry? - 17/01/2010 02:20:37 AM 884 Views
Pork chops and mashed taters. - 14/01/2010 02:16:33 PM 825 Views
White Castle! - 14/01/2010 02:33:23 PM 784 Views
Steamed burgers? - 14/01/2010 02:37:12 PM 784 Views
I dunno, I've never been there - 14/01/2010 02:39:33 PM 876 Views
Holy hell. I just came so close to locking myself out of the flat. ¬panic¬ - 14/01/2010 02:44:51 PM 858 Views
Wowzers! - 14/01/2010 03:03:48 PM 826 Views
I know. - 14/01/2010 03:14:58 PM 763 Views
You need to be more careful! - 14/01/2010 03:22:24 PM 832 Views
Clearly. - 14/01/2010 03:33:03 PM 829 Views
Re: Clearly. - 14/01/2010 03:37:39 PM 826 Views
I'm not telling you, perve! *NM* - 14/01/2010 03:38:58 PM 479 Views
Perv? - 14/01/2010 03:56:59 PM 847 Views
Re: Clearly. - 14/01/2010 03:38:04 PM 845 Views
I actually did that the other day - 14/01/2010 03:38:35 PM 940 Views
You almost locked yourself out of my flat? - 14/01/2010 03:40:10 PM 827 Views
Re: You almost locked yourself out of my flat? - 14/01/2010 03:42:32 PM 876 Views
Re: You almost locked yourself out of my flat? - 14/01/2010 03:45:48 PM 797 Views
Now wouldn't you just love to know? - 14/01/2010 03:43:41 PM 863 Views
- 14/01/2010 03:52:16 PM 646 Views
Re: - 14/01/2010 06:12:51 PM 726 Views
White castle is beyond nasty. *NM* - 14/01/2010 02:43:23 PM 457 Views
Crazy person. They have the best fries. *NM* - 14/01/2010 02:51:21 PM 354 Views
Re: White Castle! - 15/01/2010 06:15:41 PM 944 Views
Gumbo or jambalaya, maybe barbecue chicken? Definitely Chicken and biscuits. - 14/01/2010 02:38:51 PM 894 Views
Did she just write you on Facebook to answer like this? - 14/01/2010 02:47:12 PM 842 Views
pft - 14/01/2010 02:49:50 PM 839 Views
Uh huh sure - 14/01/2010 02:54:14 PM 932 Views
You're just jealous you don't get to try it. *NM* - 14/01/2010 02:56:42 PM 497 Views
rofl @ strange similar letter combinations XD - 14/01/2010 02:56:48 PM 770 Views
btw, here's a link to a recipe. - 14/01/2010 03:01:07 PM 1155 Views
Re: Gumbo or jambalaya - 14/01/2010 02:48:31 PM 789 Views
clearly your amercian work ethic is sliding. *NM* - 14/01/2010 02:49:33 PM 471 Views
That's in about three states. *NM* - 15/01/2010 05:18:04 AM 495 Views
but oh-so-tasty! - 15/01/2010 11:16:06 AM 820 Views
Still definitely not mainstream American. *NM* - 16/01/2010 02:00:24 AM 497 Views
But it IS burgers and fries. - 14/01/2010 02:56:35 PM 809 Views
Why did I not think of grilled steak and a baked potato! *NM* - 14/01/2010 03:04:03 PM 462 Views
Because neither of those is exactly exclusive to america. - 14/01/2010 03:08:23 PM 915 Views
Can't go wrong with steak and a potato (or sweet potato). *NM* - 14/01/2010 03:11:31 PM 480 Views
Or a Philly cheese steak sandwich, or New York style pizza, or Buffalo wings - 14/01/2010 05:05:03 PM 754 Views
you could argue that some of those are regional though - 14/01/2010 05:09:55 PM 741 Views
It doesn't matter. No other country can lay claim to them. - 14/01/2010 05:44:32 PM 813 Views
OMG mmm, Philly cheesesteak. *NM* - 14/01/2010 05:55:06 PM 481 Views
All excellently delicious examples. *NM* - 14/01/2010 11:22:39 PM 489 Views
Mmmm Reuben sandwich. *drools* *NM* - 15/01/2010 12:13:19 AM 470 Views
Burger and fries - 14/01/2010 02:56:55 PM 926 Views
I have this figured out now. - 14/01/2010 03:07:02 PM 907 Views
Meatloaf and mashed potatoes. - 14/01/2010 03:18:57 PM 923 Views
- 14/01/2010 03:23:41 PM 649 Views
Yeah. - 14/01/2010 03:25:43 PM 900 Views
I'll go on record as saying that I LOVE meatloaf with ketchup and mashed potatoes. - 14/01/2010 03:29:00 PM 894 Views
I think you made her point - 14/01/2010 03:36:15 PM 802 Views
Meatloaf is gross. - 14/01/2010 03:33:30 PM 850 Views
Wha? - 14/01/2010 03:38:11 PM 805 Views
Re: Wha? - 14/01/2010 03:40:56 PM 965 Views
Whoever's been making meatloaf for you clearly doesn't know how to cook. - 14/01/2010 03:47:37 PM 966 Views
I've had it prepared by several different people. I am an anti-fan. *NM* - 14/01/2010 03:50:12 PM 532 Views
I'm still dubious, but I suppose I must accept that. *NM* - 14/01/2010 03:55:26 PM 464 Views
Yes, you must. *NM* - 14/01/2010 04:10:41 PM 469 Views
You just haven't had it with enough bacon. *NM* - 14/01/2010 05:50:48 PM 475 Views
Jack is very picky. - 16/01/2010 01:30:26 AM 785 Views
Sounds like it. - 16/01/2010 03:10:38 PM 975 Views
Well, I've never seen Grits outside the USA. Apparently it's a southern thing. - 14/01/2010 03:32:55 PM 954 Views
They are grody. Or have been when I've had them. - 14/01/2010 03:40:49 PM 857 Views
Dude, I love grits. Put a little bit of butter in 'em and they're awesome! - 14/01/2010 03:57:30 PM 883 Views
How does a Southern California boy like yourself manage to sample grits? *NM* - 14/01/2010 04:08:51 PM 494 Views
You can buy them at the grocery store - 14/01/2010 08:40:54 PM 595 Views
I would have to say... - 14/01/2010 03:58:44 PM 830 Views
Indeed. *NM* - 14/01/2010 04:09:12 PM 505 Views
I'm gonna go with Meatloaf, with a side of Peanut and Jam sandwiches, washed down with a watery beer - 14/01/2010 04:08:18 PM 916 Views
I like how you threw in the beer insult. *NM* - 14/01/2010 04:10:24 PM 465 Views
? - 14/01/2010 04:24:44 PM 690 Views
What if they are one and the same? - 14/01/2010 04:42:09 PM 894 Views
His scene in Rocky Horror Picture Show lead to a similar result. *NM* - 14/01/2010 11:25:08 PM 461 Views
Nachos - 14/01/2010 04:20:24 PM 842 Views
Boiled Peanuts - 14/01/2010 04:41:49 PM 768 Views
Deep fried turkey with peanutbutter on top. *NM* - 14/01/2010 05:43:27 PM 497 Views
You just made that up. - 14/01/2010 05:58:06 PM 766 Views
why is frying a turkey Yick? - 15/01/2010 02:08:46 PM 835 Views
That's a LOT of oil. - 16/01/2010 03:07:10 PM 868 Views
corn dog. curly fries. strawberry shake. *NM* - 14/01/2010 06:15:04 PM 537 Views
Corndogs just reminded me of chicken fried steak. Did we make that? *NM* - 14/01/2010 06:23:34 PM 452 Views
I hope not. I'd not like to take credit for that travesty of flavor. *NM* - 14/01/2010 11:26:07 PM 579 Views
According to wikipedia you are in the clear... - 15/01/2010 09:29:55 AM 796 Views
Yeah, but you won't catch us apologizing for chicken fried steak. - 15/01/2010 10:18:58 PM 782 Views
A good chicken fried steak is a thing of beauty. *NM* - 15/01/2010 10:39:07 PM 470 Views
McDonalds. *NM* - 14/01/2010 06:30:20 PM 542 Views
A massive heart-attack inducing steak - 14/01/2010 07:59:18 PM 768 Views
I am going to vote barbecue. Real barbecue. - 14/01/2010 09:21:39 PM 813 Views
- 14/01/2010 09:41:01 PM 771 Views
for your biscuits, you probably cut the fat in too much. - 15/01/2010 12:19:00 AM 838 Views
Or let the butter melt....cold butter is quite important in my experience - 15/01/2010 12:58:09 AM 945 Views
Yeah. Largish lumps of cold butter do best. - 15/01/2010 11:17:08 AM 963 Views
I am going to find this difficult - 15/01/2010 01:39:47 PM 913 Views
Aha. - 15/01/2010 01:37:44 PM 939 Views
You can use a fork. - 15/01/2010 03:36:45 PM 928 Views
Oh yeah... - 14/01/2010 09:24:55 PM 833 Views
Best post I've read in a long time. *NM* - 14/01/2010 11:39:32 PM 520 Views
Deep-dish pizza - 15/01/2010 02:02:56 AM 839 Views
MMM! Have you been to Geno's East? - 15/01/2010 11:17:52 AM 957 Views
Yup, they're great. Also Lou Malnati's *NM* - 16/01/2010 04:13:55 AM 917 Views
But...but... - 15/01/2010 07:41:30 AM 932 Views
No, you're right. - 15/01/2010 11:19:03 AM 867 Views
Lucky you have more imaginative people here then - 15/01/2010 02:21:52 PM 876 Views
GODDAMNIT I just lost my REALLY long reply re: the "but that's regional" response. - 15/01/2010 02:52:18 PM 873 Views
Book me in - 15/01/2010 03:18:01 PM 866 Views
Sorry... - 15/01/2010 03:19:54 PM 789 Views
Steak, potatoes, a vegetable, bread. *NM* - 15/01/2010 06:16:02 PM 502 Views
Pizza and Beer. *NM* - 18/01/2010 03:41:44 PM 501 Views

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