Your defintion of racism and sexism seems to massively differ from mine
Isaac Send a noteboard - 13/01/2010 03:37:46 PM
I define racism, sexism, etc as an irrational and strong bias against a given group, I do not believe individual issues can be defined that way, even if it many of the people who might be advantaged or disadvantaged by the result happen to be members of a specific group, and many of the people who hate them happen to be on one side of the issue.
By your logic, many people having decided that abortion is a women's issue, all pro-lifers are sexist on that issue, which is likely to really surprise a lot of women who are pro-life. Ditto, anyone who thinks we need to really lock down our borders against illegal immigrants is not automatically a racist, just because most people who dislike hispanics happen to agree with them. To raise an absurd case, because I always feel they clarify things so well, I think it's hard to accuse people of sexism for not thinking the NFL should let women on to teams. You're not a bigot if you're view is not irrational. You have to be totally living in Fantasia to think there are an equal number of women as men who can compete at pro football.
Your either racist, sexist, etc or you aren't. If Hitler said 'well, I think jews and germans tend to be equally good carpenters' I can't see there being any logic to saying 'Hitler isn't racist on that issue' nor would I think someone was racist on that issue if it turned out that pieces of woodworking from germany typically went for higher prices than Israel.
I think long before you label people who dislike AAE as racist, even if 'just on that issue', you might want to consider that they might be dumb, snobbish, or wrong - especially since being labeled 'racist' the days is about as bad as being labeled 'rapist', dumb, snobbish, or incorrect are basically socially acceptable foibles. I know a lot of black people in my own area, the rural midwest, who sneer at AAE, and I'm sure their reason is the obvious one, us rural midwesterners know our version of english is simply the superior one. I'm pretty sure blacks in rural ohio who dislike ebonics probably deserve to be titled as snobbish, regiocentric (if that's a word?), or maybe dumb before we call them racist, even if it's just 'racist on that issue'
I get what you're saying, and sure there are a lot of racial overtones on this issue, but I don't think it's fair to label people racist, even if it just 'a little racist, just on this issue' when you can't really back that up.
By your logic, many people having decided that abortion is a women's issue, all pro-lifers are sexist on that issue, which is likely to really surprise a lot of women who are pro-life. Ditto, anyone who thinks we need to really lock down our borders against illegal immigrants is not automatically a racist, just because most people who dislike hispanics happen to agree with them. To raise an absurd case, because I always feel they clarify things so well, I think it's hard to accuse people of sexism for not thinking the NFL should let women on to teams. You're not a bigot if you're view is not irrational. You have to be totally living in Fantasia to think there are an equal number of women as men who can compete at pro football.
Your either racist, sexist, etc or you aren't. If Hitler said 'well, I think jews and germans tend to be equally good carpenters' I can't see there being any logic to saying 'Hitler isn't racist on that issue' nor would I think someone was racist on that issue if it turned out that pieces of woodworking from germany typically went for higher prices than Israel.
I think long before you label people who dislike AAE as racist, even if 'just on that issue', you might want to consider that they might be dumb, snobbish, or wrong - especially since being labeled 'racist' the days is about as bad as being labeled 'rapist', dumb, snobbish, or incorrect are basically socially acceptable foibles. I know a lot of black people in my own area, the rural midwest, who sneer at AAE, and I'm sure their reason is the obvious one, us rural midwesterners know our version of english is simply the superior one. I'm pretty sure blacks in rural ohio who dislike ebonics probably deserve to be titled as snobbish, regiocentric (if that's a word?), or maybe dumb before we call them racist, even if it's just 'racist on that issue'
I get what you're saying, and sure there are a lot of racial overtones on this issue, but I don't think it's fair to label people racist, even if it just 'a little racist, just on this issue' when you can't really back that up.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
So what EXACTLY is the problem with Reid's comments?
12/01/2010 04:11:56 AM
it wasn't just that he commented on the lack of "dialect"
12/01/2010 04:16:27 AM
Regardless of that, I don't see the ability to use dialect as a racist statement.
12/01/2010 04:32:07 AM
when was the last time you heard a white person speaking ebonics?
12/01/2010 01:41:24 PM
A week or so ago.
12/01/2010 08:09:09 PM
Isn't that the definition of a wigger? A white person who speaks/acts like a black person?
12/01/2010 09:49:34 PM
And the fact that Wigger = White N****r isn't racist at all! *NM*
12/01/2010 10:33:04 PM
I wasn't using the term seriously 9_9
13/01/2010 04:26:20 AM
Mocking white people for "acting like black people" by modifying a slur on blacks... hm... *NM*
13/01/2010 06:50:46 AM
You know, what IS a good term for black people these days?
12/01/2010 04:36:33 AM
I just use "black"
12/01/2010 02:27:16 PM
Why is it OK to discriminate on the grounds of language but not race?
12/01/2010 08:23:21 AM
Please tell me you were joking... *NM*
12/01/2010 01:29:37 PM
Your AAE is a language the way that Pig Latin is a language.
12/01/2010 06:38:35 PM
You know, arguing what a language is with a linguist is pretty much set up for failure *NM*
12/01/2010 07:58:42 PM
I recall having a similar discussion on this very topic a few years ago with Tim.
12/01/2010 08:10:53 PM
Re: I recall having a similar discussion on this very topic a few years ago with Tim.
12/01/2010 09:06:01 PM
Maybe, but having knowledge of the topic wasn't one of my advantages in that argument.
13/01/2010 03:36:31 AM

I don't even know where to begin.
12/01/2010 09:43:21 PM
That third point is going a bit far.
12/01/2010 10:06:08 PM
You're right, I was conflating two separate points.
12/01/2010 10:14:48 PM
Well, it still only applies...
12/01/2010 10:24:08 PM
You ascribe too much intelligence to the average American racist
12/01/2010 10:30:39 PM

You're guessing at people's motives and making what appear to be broad, unsupported assertions
12/01/2010 11:04:47 PM
I don't mean they're racist in all respects.
13/01/2010 06:52:20 AM
Your defintion of racism and sexism seems to massively differ from mine
13/01/2010 03:37:46 PM
I had to think about this for a few days, but I've now worked out my answer.
16/01/2010 01:59:25 PM
I had no problems with them. And I don't even like the guy and hope he loses his reelection battle.
12/01/2010 03:32:42 PM
Who seriously uses the term "Negro dialect" anymore?
13/01/2010 02:00:15 AM
It's not the word "Negro" in "Magic Negro" that's the most offensive part. *NM*
13/01/2010 09:16:20 AM