1. Have you done anything in 2010 you said you were going to?
So far I've managed to be more of a bastard than last year. At this rate by about 2017 I should be in charge of the world. Or at least the moon colonies.
2. Are you enjoying 2010?
Yes, 100%.
3. What do you plan on calling the years from 2010 to 2019?
'Frank's Wild Years'.
4. Any BIG plans for 2010?
Yes, thanks.
5. How was your 2009? Glad it's over?
I'm glad it's over only because I'm excited about this one, but 2009 was good to me. Experiments were finished, equations computed and plans set for the next stage. That, and I became a mean bass guitarist.
A. Name five good things that came out of 2009
(1) The video for Stillness Is the Move by Dirty Projectors.
(2) A sense that whatever happens from now on, I've faced my own darkness and can now live my life with wit, style, and the freedom to choose to go in any direction, because all of them are exciting.
(3) 'The Robot', my bass guitar.
(4) I started using Spotify a lot more.
(5) I stopped being consumed and became a Bastard.
6. Have you seen any movies yet? (I know it's only nine days in, but there's so many!)
No, I haven't been to the pictures for a while now (although there are plenty of films I would like see). Mostly I just like talking to people and seeing what the night holds.
7. I finally downloaded skype! Your opinions on it? Do you use it, love it, hate it, never use it?
Never used it.
8. Is Aemon or Alfie around in these parts? HI YOU GUYSSSS
I wouldn't know, I'm barely here myself.
9. I am considering getting a BlackBerry or a Droid phone. Any suggestions?
10. Does anyone out there still enjoy coloring as much as I do?
I like colouring the air with obscenities.
11. Did you miss me over the last few months?
So far I've managed to be more of a bastard than last year. At this rate by about 2017 I should be in charge of the world. Or at least the moon colonies.
2. Are you enjoying 2010?
Yes, 100%.
3. What do you plan on calling the years from 2010 to 2019?
'Frank's Wild Years'.
4. Any BIG plans for 2010?
Yes, thanks.
5. How was your 2009? Glad it's over?
I'm glad it's over only because I'm excited about this one, but 2009 was good to me. Experiments were finished, equations computed and plans set for the next stage. That, and I became a mean bass guitarist.
A. Name five good things that came out of 2009
(1) The video for Stillness Is the Move by Dirty Projectors.
(2) A sense that whatever happens from now on, I've faced my own darkness and can now live my life with wit, style, and the freedom to choose to go in any direction, because all of them are exciting.
(3) 'The Robot', my bass guitar.
(4) I started using Spotify a lot more.
(5) I stopped being consumed and became a Bastard.
6. Have you seen any movies yet? (I know it's only nine days in, but there's so many!)
No, I haven't been to the pictures for a while now (although there are plenty of films I would like see). Mostly I just like talking to people and seeing what the night holds.
7. I finally downloaded skype! Your opinions on it? Do you use it, love it, hate it, never use it?
Never used it.
8. Is Aemon or Alfie around in these parts? HI YOU GUYSSSS
I wouldn't know, I'm barely here myself.
9. I am considering getting a BlackBerry or a Droid phone. Any suggestions?
10. Does anyone out there still enjoy coloring as much as I do?
I like colouring the air with obscenities.
11. Did you miss me over the last few months?

Hi in 2010, everyone
09/01/2010 09:01:19 PM
Get google's new phone, 'tis better than the Droid.
09/01/2010 09:54:07 PM
Re: Hi in 2010, everyone
09/01/2010 10:25:00 PM
Who the heck are you?
10/01/2010 07:40:00 AM