Transmission thing is interesting. I'll have to look that up.
Clover Send a noteboard - 05/01/2010 05:22:53 AM
To echo Ghavrel a bit, I don't know much (read: anything) about that in the big statistical scheme of things, but I do know that my dad's succession of "dirt cheap" manual cars have lasted for many years and hundreds of thousands of miles, while our one automatic van has had its transmission replaced three times now. Also, whether or not the cost is negated by things like that, I really like knowing that the way I drive has a huge impact on my fuel usage. Yes, that's true to some extent with automatics as well, but not nearly as much. It's a whole different kind of control. I mean, how awesome is it that I can get 30-35 mpg on my old, crappy Ford Focus just by paying close attention to what my feet and hands are doing?
My other argument in favor of manuals is a bit harder to articulate. It's what you said, but flipped. You think it's safer to drive an automatic 'cause you can do a whole bunch of other things and still be okay in a pinch. Well, I like a car that forces me to concentrate on what I'm doing. Because of the more complicated movements and all, I am not tempted to eat or drink or talk on my cell. And I'm far more competent as a single-minded manual driver than I would be as a multi-tasking automatic driver. (That's not a dig at you, necessarily; my mind/body just don't do that juggling act thing very well.) As for the gut reaction... that really all depends on how you learned to drive, I'd say. My instinct involves both feet.
My other argument in favor of manuals is a bit harder to articulate. It's what you said, but flipped. You think it's safer to drive an automatic 'cause you can do a whole bunch of other things and still be okay in a pinch. Well, I like a car that forces me to concentrate on what I'm doing. Because of the more complicated movements and all, I am not tempted to eat or drink or talk on my cell. And I'm far more competent as a single-minded manual driver than I would be as a multi-tasking automatic driver. (That's not a dig at you, necessarily; my mind/body just don't do that juggling act thing very well.) As for the gut reaction... that really all depends on how you learned to drive, I'd say. My instinct involves both feet.
A Survey about snow and cars.
04/01/2010 08:04:47 PM
Manual transmission is a relic.
04/01/2010 09:39:50 PM
Or people who like to actually be in control of their cars. Automatics are sloppy.
04/01/2010 11:13:17 PM
Re: Or people who like to actually be in control of their cars. Automatics are sloppy.
05/01/2010 05:52:10 AM
Acceleration is useless in automatics. I don't know why people even try to argue this.
05/01/2010 06:11:00 AM
I don't understand why its useless in automatics. I accelerate just fine.
05/01/2010 06:31:33 AM
As I said before, its a question of preferring control, not of "needing" it.
05/01/2010 08:10:15 AM
i'll race you up the side of a mountain. me in my corolla w/manual you in your automatic of choice
06/01/2010 02:28:39 AM
Re: A Survey about snow and cars.
05/01/2010 02:44:46 AM
More control is better because, as you say, you know what's coming up on the road.
05/01/2010 03:08:14 AM
Transmission thing is interesting. I'll have to look that up.
05/01/2010 05:22:53 AM
Re: A Survey about snow and cars.
05/01/2010 05:56:06 AM
I think I'm a lot like you. Still learning, though.
05/01/2010 05:05:58 AM
Tricks for driving in the snow
05/01/2010 09:05:02 AM
Swedish tires are awesome
05/01/2010 11:58:22 AM
AWD is my friend.
05/01/2010 06:29:06 PM
Re: A Survey about snow and cars.
06/01/2010 02:31:49 AM