1. Do you have misgivings about getting into steel cans with wings and hurtling miles above the earth?
1a. WHY NOT?
1a. WHY NOT?
Honestly, I don't fear them because I've flown so frequently, it's no longer unknown. I fly a few times every year, and being afraid just doesn't make sense.
2. If you do, how do you distract yourself during the particularly horrible time called "takeoff?"
2a. Is takeoff not your least favorite time?
2a. Is takeoff not your least favorite time?
No, takeoff is not my least favorite time.
2b. What is?
I actually dislike landing. That sensation of falling, lurching closer towards the ground, trusting that the guys they hired to pilot this thing know how to land without smashing us into the earth....
3. Provide hugs and reassurance that this voyage, like every single one I've taken before, will not end in horrible disaster.
It is so unlikely that your flight will crash that you shouldn't even stress the teeniest tiniest bit. The plane you will be flying on has been checked repeatedly to make sure it is safe, the people they hired to fly it have been exhaustively trained, and you are entirely safe in their care.
4. Seriously how do you not want to cry when you go into a plane IT IS TERRIFYING
Because I know it will be over soon... Flying to Africa was the worst though... my flight was 16 hours long... sleeping was impossible, eating didn't help, man was not meant to be confined at high altitude for that long.
I was Phelix on wotmania, I will always be Phelix in the "real" world, and now I am Phelix on RAFO.
You will make all kinds of mistakes; but as long as you are generous and true and also fierce you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her.- Churchill
You will make all kinds of mistakes; but as long as you are generous and true and also fierce you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her.- Churchill
This message last edited by Phelix on 22/12/2009 at 06:43:36 AM
/Survey: I hate flying. By hate I actually mean "have a ridiculous phobia of." REASSURE ME.
22/12/2009 05:50:31 AM
22/12/2009 06:43:11 AM
The silly thing is that I fly at least twice a year, and more if you count individual flights.
22/12/2009 07:05:38 AM
Re: The silly thing is that I fly at least twice a year, and more if you count individual flights.
22/12/2009 07:17:14 AM
Recognize that the fear is not a logical one. If tha doesn't help, it's unlikely that anything will.
22/12/2009 09:39:32 AM
Re: /Survey: I hate flying. By hate I actually mean "have a ridiculous phobia of." REASSURE ME.
23/12/2009 03:37:15 AM
It has to do with the lack of control. (WARNING: I'm not assuring you of anything)
23/12/2009 04:20:22 AM
Watch this YouTube video of US Flight 427 coming in for a landing
24/12/2009 11:45:29 AM