Just positive sounding? Mook would be a poor friend then. Any friend of mine who only said positive stuff would be a liar. And I don't want such people as my friends. I want the brutal fucking truth.
And I specifically said that Mook should mention that he feels the story needs more descriptive language.
But since
1)This is a rough first draft of the first 50 pages of a guy's first novel, and
2)This is someone who Mook was saying was afraid of hurting his feelings.
I think that Mook's role here is that of "supportive friend" rather than "editor." A good supportive friend can totally make suggestions and comments, but a good editor will completely tear into a work if that's what it takes to make it better.
Analogy: A friend of mine is a first-year fashion design student. She made a hat. I don't particularly like it, but I still think it's awesome that she has the skills to make her own hat! Plus it has a Russian Star on it!
So, do I talk about all the flaws of this, her first hat? Or do I support her hat-making, like a good friend?
I amuse myself.
I would like some opinions, please...
20/12/2009 03:31:49 PM
Ask him if he wants honesty.
20/12/2009 05:49:49 PM
Who says "no" when you say "do you want me to be honest?" mook isn't an editor, here
20/12/2009 08:03:02 PM
Tell him that you want to see him succeed as a writer and then...
20/12/2009 06:06:47 PM
Perhaps tell him the story has good bones, and you look forward to seeing a future draft.
20/12/2009 06:56:06 PM