What desserts do you enjoy making?
Crème Brulées, passion fruit cake, toblerone & kahlua parfait
What is your favorite fruit based dessert?
Simple apple pie, I guess.
What is your best desserts and what desserts have turned out the worst?
the absolute worst is the first time I attempted a crème brulée... it takes a couple of tries before you get that one right. But really, the mistake people does is overthink it too much. Panna Cotta is a very simple way to make a good dessert, serve with some cloudberries or something, and people will find it exotic too...
"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world" - Calvin.
I made a quince tarte tonight!
16/12/2009 06:47:32 AM
Did you dine on mince and slices of quince, and eat with a runcible spoon? *NM*
16/12/2009 09:32:37 AM
Re: I made a quince tarte tonight!
16/12/2009 07:45:34 PM