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Switzerland is odd in a great many ways. Legolas Send a noteboard - 02/12/2009 10:14:26 PM
For instance, it's the only country that I know of where a party managed to leave the government by kicking its government ministers out of the party, with the ministers staying on regardless. And yes, they do love their referendums.

What if a European Court of Justice ruling goes against the ban? Can it be overturned then?

I think we need to make a law that any major steps we take with regard to the EU have to be put to a binding referendum. Not that it'll ever happen.

No idea on that, whether they'll accept the European Court of Justice as a higher authority... they're not in the EU after all.

As for such a law in the UK, no, probably not, because all the major parties are afraid of the result. :P
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It seems the Swiss ban on muslim minarets has passed rather quietly - 02/12/2009 04:15:22 PM 501 Views
This is surprising. - 02/12/2009 04:19:03 PM 255 Views
Not here, it certainly hasn't. - 02/12/2009 04:34:55 PM 265 Views
Nor here. It's all over our news. *NM* - 02/12/2009 10:01:57 PM 113 Views
I mostly support the Swiss decision. As from my comment at Der Spiegel, - 02/12/2009 05:54:11 PM 261 Views
Re: I mostly support the Swiss decision. As from my comment at Der Spiegel, - 02/12/2009 06:23:09 PM 244 Views
I understand the first in Qatar was built in 2003. - 02/12/2009 10:11:31 PM 219 Views
Yes, with no steeple and no bell! - 03/12/2009 12:48:12 AM 241 Views
Ah yes, now that you mention it. - 03/12/2009 12:52:26 AM 228 Views
see here is what i dont get - 03/12/2009 05:21:10 AM 233 Views
I saw it posted elsewhere - 02/12/2009 06:09:33 PM 218 Views
Does anyone know the legal effect of this referendum? - 02/12/2009 10:00:54 PM 241 Views
It's Switzerland. Their referendums are binding. - 02/12/2009 10:07:52 PM 243 Views
Do the Swiss think they live in 5th-century BC Athens or something? - 02/12/2009 10:11:29 PM 243 Views
Switzerland is odd in a great many ways. - 02/12/2009 10:14:26 PM 249 Views
Actually, I think I meant the European Court of Human Rights, not the ECJ. - 02/12/2009 10:16:38 PM 246 Views
Yeah, but does that one have any power? - 02/12/2009 10:17:54 PM 257 Views
ECHR Article 9 – Freedom of thought, conscience and religion - 02/12/2009 10:52:35 PM 292 Views
I feel like I'm missing something in this debate - 02/12/2009 11:21:03 PM 214 Views
The latter. - 02/12/2009 11:22:49 PM 252 Views
Huh, that's bizarre - 02/12/2009 11:39:03 PM 226 Views
It's coming from a party... - 02/12/2009 11:42:49 PM 279 Views
sicherheit schaffen, that's great! - 03/12/2009 12:00:00 AM 226 Views
I'm hoping you mean great in the bad way. - 03/12/2009 12:05:30 AM 247 Views
Re: I'm hoping you mean great in the bad way. - 03/12/2009 02:03:33 AM 228 Views
Thank you, I guess? - 03/12/2009 12:14:08 PM 232 Views
I don't really see a problem with it - 02/12/2009 10:09:55 PM 236 Views
They pretty much have. - 02/12/2009 10:16:46 PM 249 Views
that was kind of my thought - 03/12/2009 12:17:23 AM 213 Views
I would say it is a bit reactionary but i guess it depends on your definition of intolerance - 03/12/2009 03:39:48 PM 251 Views
Several points... - 03/12/2009 07:15:17 PM 244 Views
The Adhan can really get to you - 02/12/2009 11:14:47 PM 295 Views
At least that one can sing. - 02/12/2009 11:24:03 PM 243 Views
Re: At least that one can sing. - 02/12/2009 11:41:20 PM 236 Views
just wanted to say high - 03/12/2009 03:37:45 PM 229 Views
I think it seems kind of a silly waste of government power... - 03/12/2009 12:27:29 AM 230 Views
It's not the government that did it. *NM* - 03/12/2009 12:29:35 AM 114 Views
*re reads* Oh. I guess it's really power to the people over there - 03/12/2009 12:35:59 AM 209 Views
Unfortunately, sometimes... *NM* - 03/12/2009 12:15:29 PM 138 Views

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