1. What are your pet peeves?
Stupid people and, worse, people who aren't stupid but are so invincibly ignorant that facts that don't fit their position cannot penetrate to their brains.
I'm sure there are about 4000 other pet peeves too, but that's a good one for today.
2. Would you prefer doing things in the microwave oven, or the stove?
Depends entirely. They are different tools with different uses. Microwaves do some things better, stoves/ovens do other things better. As an example, I find that doing frozen veggies comes out equally well on both, but the MW takes less power, less cookware and is faster - so it generally gets used for that task.
3. Do you have any particular designs on your top bedsheets? Any pictures, or patterns will fit too.
We have a large, warm, acyrlic bedspread/blanket that Amy brought when she moved in. It's got a large wolfhead in the center and wolf scenes around that. It's black and grey. Before she moved in I had a similar blanket/bedspread which showed Canadian loons floating on a lake. It was black and beige with blue edging and details. We still have it, but the wolf one is nicer (and a bit larger) so that's what we use regularly now.
4. How many times have you gotten sick this year?
The entire year? I could look it up but I think I've had around 8 sick days for the entire year (many of them made up by overtime). There were also a couple of sick days that I took holiday time for but some of those were for one sickness. Probably around 4 times total since last year.
5. (Follow up to #4) If you have gotten sick, did you get the H1N1 flu, or something else? Please name the sickness. If not, what steps have you taken to prevent getting a sickness, if any?
No way to know for sure. I did have a flu-ish thing (fairly mild) right before this most recent wave of H1N1 and that could have been H1N1 flu which frequently manifests as fairly mild. Those, of course, being the cases that don't make the news.
Regardless, I got the H1N1 Vaccine just to be sure. Being asthmatic, I was on the high priority list. My wife and daughter also got vaccinated.
6. What television shows do you watch on a regular basis? If you don't watch TV, why?
None on what you could call a regular basis. If I like a show I'll buy or borrow the DVDs from someone. Don't watch regular TV at all and cancelled my cable long ago.
As to why - I have a very busy life without the boob tube. One day I was reading my cable bill, which was something like $55.00 for the month (probably 8-9 years ago now). I thought about it and realized that, during that month, I had watched probably an hour of TV tops. It then occurred to me just how very BAD an expenditure of my entertainment dollars that was and cancelled the service.
7. Do you have a duffel bag, or a backpack that you use regularly? (No, ladies, this does not include purses.)
Not regularly no. I used to carry a backpack. Then a briefcase for awhile. Eventually I realized it was more dumping ground for junk than useful and stopped. Now I carry a book in the inside pocket of my jacket and the stuff in my pockets and that's plenty.
8. What future books are you excited for? If not, why? (Future can mean from tomorrow, to seven years from now, for all I care.)
Current book I want and plan on ordering shortly is a book called "Blood Pact" by Dan Abnett. I really enjoy his writing and have all the previous books in the series and have read them several times. Blood Pact will be #12 in the series (which is called 'Gaunt's Ghosts' if anyone cares). There is also a spinoff book which isn't part of the Ghosts series but has some of the same secondary characters from one of them called 'Double Eagle' which is about aerial combat in that universe.
May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk.
Old Egyptian Blessing
Old Egyptian Blessing
Serious, but Random Questions.....
19/11/2009 01:30:35 AM
Sure, here you go:
19/11/2009 04:09:14 PM