1. What are your pet peeves?
people in my seat in class. yes i KNOW it's not my seat...but i've sat there EVERY DAY since the beginning of classes... Why are you in my seat???
2. Would you prefer doing things in the microwave oven, or the stove?
Totally depends on what I'm cooking and how much time I have/care to spend. I like the way things taste when cooked properly, but I won't hesitate to do it in the microwave if i'm in a rush or feeling particularly lazy
3. Do you have any particular designs on your top bedsheets? Any pictures, or patterns will fit too.
Just a slight grid-pattern. navy blue sheets with faint grey lines.
4. How many times have you gotten sick this year?
quite a few, but not lately
5. (Follow up to #4) If you have gotten sick, did you get the H1N1 flu, or something else? Please name the sickness. If not, what steps have you taken to prevent getting a sickness, if any?
Many respiratory infections (ranging from hardly noticeable to doctor-demanding), sinus infection, couple colds, no flus of any kind
6. What television shows do you watch on a regular basis? If you don't watch TV, why?
None, mostly because I hang out mostly in my room in my nice compfy bed and I do not have a TV
7. Do you have a duffel bag, or a backpack that you use regularly? (No, ladies, this does not include purses.)
I have a back pack and a satchel I use for classes (not both at the same time)
8. What future books are you excited for? If not, why? (Future can mean from tomorrow, to seven years from now, for all I care.)
still haven't gotten Gathering Storm, the next Tamora Pierce book (Wolfhound)
Still Empress of the Poofy Purple Pillow Pile Palace!!
Continued Love of my Aussie <3
Continued Love of my Aussie <3
Serious, but Random Questions.....
19/11/2009 01:30:35 AM
Re: Serious, but Random Questions.....
19/11/2009 01:59:19 AM