Personally, I would never bow to the Emperor of Japan or the Queen of England. They shit - Edit 1
Before modification by The Shrike at 17/11/2009 02:04:56 PM
So, apparently (thoguh I have found no evidence of it) Americans are in uproar about Obama bowing low to emperor Akihito of Japan.
I suspect the problem is that Obama is so freakishly tall -- any bow that places his head lower than the emperor's (who is normal size ) means bending double. You should elect someone my size next time, and you would avoid all this media nonsense.
I suspect the problem is that Obama is so freakishly tall -- any bow that places his head lower than the emperor's (who is normal size ) means bending double. You should elect someone my size next time, and you would avoid all this media nonsense.
like the rest of us. A simple handshake would do. I would not engage in any behavior that indicated someone else was my "class" superior by dint of their successful genetic breeding program and rather warlike ancestors.