Not "cleaning-the-apartment-time", "studying-time", "wash-the-car-time", "get-the-presentation-done-time", "finishing-the-budget-for-next-year-time" or any other time. Just survey-time.
1. What do you do when you need to get a lot of things done, but just don't want to do any of them?
I like to go to sleep. It's about the worst possible thing to do in that situation, but sometimes I'll wake up later with more motivation.2. Any plans for the weekend?
I'll be going to a party tonight.3. What are you currently reading?
Currently, nothing. Whenever I get The Gathering Storm, I will begin reading that.4. Seen any pink elephants lately?
Oddly enough, I have not.5. Are you afraid of the swine flu? Of the vaccine?
I am fearless. Although I am not afraid of the vaccine, I won't be getting it because I am not afraid of the flu, swine or otherwise.6. Do you think I should buy some new brown boots?
Only if your old brown boots are disintegrating.7. Did you remember to turn your clocks to winter time?
No, Daylight Savings Time remains in effect here for another day.8. What do you wish for Christmas?
I suppose I will probably put money at the top of my list again, because it is rather useful. I don't really need anything though.9. How often do you wash your car?
Never10. What did you dream last night?
Hrm... I don't usually dream, or at least I don't usually remember my dreams. I know that I did the last time I slept, because I woke up thinking that I had had a really cool dream. But I couldn't tell you what it was; it's gone now.11. How do you take over someones mind?
There are lots of ways. If you have the time for it, shattering their world with sudden and unpredictable, yet repetitive trauma, preferably in isolation, can work well. The goal is to create a situation where your target becomes dependent on you for their own identity.For a slightly less extreme method, you could just try to be more persuasive.
12. Which super-power do you wish you had, and why?
I think I'll go with telekinesis. It has all kinds of useful practical applications and it would be fun to use for just playing around or showing off. Also, unlike many other superpowers, I don't see any glaring drawbacks.13. Why do so many surveys just have 13 questions?
Surveys here have 13 questions because RAFO rose from the ashes of Wotmania, and 13 is such an important number in the Wheel of Time.Thanks for answering
You're welcome.
Survey time!
30/10/2009 03:36:35 PM
Re: Survey time!
31/10/2009 09:36:07 AM