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answer time random thoughts Send a noteboard - 30/10/2009 04:40:49 PM
Not "cleaning-the-apartment-time", "studying-time", "wash-the-car-time", "get-the-presentation-done-time", "finishing-the-budget-for-next-year-time" or any other time. Just survey-time.

1. What do you do when you need to get a lot of things done, but just don't want to do any of them?

If it is imporant I just do them, if not then plan on doing them later

2. Any plans for the weekend?

Lots. My brother and his new wife are coming into town. Tricker treating with my daughter. Starting the cedar bench my wife wants in the ack yard. Starting a new project in my cermanics class since the one I have been working on all year blew up when I tried to put in the kiln last night.

3. What are you currently reading?

Gathering Storm. Got it for $17 at Sams

4. Seen any pink elephants lately?


5. Are you afraid of the swine flu? Of the vaccine?

I worry the my daughter could get since she is so young.

6. Do you think I should buy some new brown boots?

Brown is always a good choice for boots. I need a new pairs of boots and I willlikely go with brown. I love the sound boots make when I walk on tile floors and since they are the only thing I wear with heels I like being taller.

7. Did you remember to turn your clocks to winter time?

we already did that I think

8. What do you wish for Christmas?


9. How often do you wash your car?

once a decade

10. What did you dream last night?


11. How do you take over someones mind?

first you beat them down with surveys then you use them for sexual gratifiaction then you get bored wioth and move on to something else

12. Which super-power do you wish you had, and why?

Time travel. Good enough time travel just about trumps all the others.

13. Why do so many surveys just have 13 questions?

baker's dozen

Thanks for answering :D
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Survey time! - 30/10/2009 03:36:35 PM 652 Views
positive enforcement - 30/10/2009 03:46:31 PM 531 Views
Re: positive enforcement - 30/10/2009 04:08:28 PM 621 Views
Okay - 30/10/2009 04:11:46 PM 549 Views
Re: Okay - 30/10/2009 04:59:14 PM 658 Views
Hammer time! - 30/10/2009 04:25:41 PM 658 Views
Re: Hammer time! - 30/10/2009 05:08:20 PM 598 Views
Re: Hammer time! - 30/10/2009 05:16:18 PM 504 Views
Re: Survey time! - 30/10/2009 04:30:59 PM 620 Views
answer time - 30/10/2009 04:40:49 PM 599 Views
Hi. - 30/10/2009 04:45:57 PM 556 Views
Re: Survey time! - 30/10/2009 05:42:34 PM 502 Views
Medical Survey? - 30/10/2009 06:01:05 PM 548 Views
Re: Survey time! *NM* - 30/10/2009 06:10:37 PM 231 Views
Re: Survey time! - 30/10/2009 07:56:40 PM 478 Views
Why am I such a sucker for surveys? - 31/10/2009 01:38:09 AM 638 Views
Survey says... - 31/10/2009 02:54:46 AM 898 Views
Re: Survey time! - 31/10/2009 09:36:07 AM 545 Views
I approve of procrastination. - 01/11/2009 05:05:09 PM 612 Views

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