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Re: <sings Madonna> Danae al'Thor Send a noteboard - 29/10/2009 08:06:13 PM
A. I have about 600 eBooks in PDF format. Science Fiction/Fantasy, History, Science, Literature, Language, and Politics.
B. I also have about 100 "physical" books. Down from roughly 400 (I used to work at the Strand Bookstore in NYC, so I would get deep discounts.
C. So the vast majority of my books are in electronic format. I enjoy reading them on the computer. I have been reading books on the computer since 2002.

I have loads of books in the electronic format, but I find I very rarely read them. I've the last two days looking at various eds. of XXX in my bookstore, even though I have about three translations lying around on my hard drive somewhere.
This is annoying.

Would you ever give your books away? Sell your books?

I do it all the time:
a. I do not have enough space for all the books I have and read - and my number of physical, material books far exceeds 100.
b. I am not going to reread every book I buy. I find it pointless and cluttering, both mentally and physically, to keep things I do not want or need in my life.
c. I live on a very tight budget outside of my physical necessities, and books are expensive. My second-hand bookstore is very nice about paying me back partially for returns, which funds further buying.
d. Seriously, if I don't want to reread it five years from now, I'm not keeping it. Not for anything. I've given away Pratchetts that I don't like, and SF and fantasy that no one else I know owns.
e. I don't give to libraries for the earning-money-for-nothing-is-fun reason, except for two books I thought my library HAD to have because it was only right and proper.
f. I am material, material, material in every way.

I don't keep books I won't reread often, or won't lend to others because they simply must read it. I don't mind being materialistic, possessive, ownery, bogged down.

I lend, borrow from friends and the library, frequent two normal bookstores and one second hand bookstore fairly regularly. And I sell, and I give away if the copy is good enough and I want a friend to have it.

I will agree that the moving of books is a huge pain. HUGE. I do not know quite how I will manage it when I am older and have a paying job and live in a different city.

Though I have written this post to see what Rafolites think, I am almost certain to give away all my books to the local library. Karma means actions. And I do think it would be a good action to help a library and in the process perhaps help some future readers of these books be able to access these books.

It seems sort of self-explanatory to me. Most sensible course of action, given your way of thinking and feeling. And you don't need to justify why books given to the library might be a good idea. It is a good idea, and it is good karma. All by itself, no matter who does it. (So long as s/he does it to hir own books and not someone else's. Because that can be shitty.)
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On possession of books. - 29/10/2009 07:13:44 PM 831 Views
Re: <sings Madonna> - 29/10/2009 08:06:13 PM 651 Views
LOL. Thanks. - 29/10/2009 08:18:33 PM 467 Views
Re: ALL my words are pearls beyond price, love. You know that. - 29/10/2009 08:22:39 PM 477 Views
Hmmm - 29/10/2009 08:57:10 PM 534 Views
Okay, You Germans! - 29/10/2009 09:10:44 PM 755 Views
Danke! ^^ *NM* - 29/10/2009 09:19:13 PM 261 Views
I love my library - 29/10/2009 09:00:20 PM 489 Views
Your library is beautiful. - 29/10/2009 09:20:18 PM 726 Views
My friends wanted to make a bonfire of my books last time I moved. - 29/10/2009 09:10:16 PM 516 Views
All good points. Thanks - 29/10/2009 09:22:17 PM 542 Views
No. - 29/10/2009 09:28:11 PM 564 Views
I've never had issues with books from the public library. - 29/10/2009 09:44:38 PM 544 Views
They are! - 29/10/2009 09:49:43 PM 558 Views
Bad Swedes! - 30/10/2009 03:01:48 PM 509 Views
Re: On possession of books. - 29/10/2009 09:29:52 PM 534 Views
- 29/10/2009 09:45:39 PM 431 Views
i always keep the books i think are worth it - 29/10/2009 09:38:38 PM 519 Views
I'm at an interesting crossroads myself, now that I've got an eBook reader. - 29/10/2009 09:56:19 PM 651 Views
A failing you say? - 29/10/2009 10:07:34 PM 566 Views
Re: On possession of books. - 29/10/2009 09:59:04 PM 617 Views
We must agree to disagree. - 29/10/2009 10:10:40 PM 505 Views
Re: We must agree to disagree. - 29/10/2009 10:20:09 PM 497 Views
I wouldn't worry. - 29/10/2009 10:19:10 PM 462 Views
Ok. I won't worry. - 30/10/2009 01:37:18 PM 528 Views
Are you truly trying to claim that none of the knowledge you've learned from your books - 30/10/2009 02:51:35 PM 467 Views
I think you may have failed to read the original post or have misunderstood it - 30/10/2009 03:00:48 PM 499 Views
no - 30/10/2009 03:06:53 PM 543 Views
See you at the Pride Parade in 2010! - 30/10/2009 03:20:59 PM 618 Views
<3 testing theories. Ciao. *NM* - 30/10/2009 03:24:20 PM 280 Views
Picky reader here. - 30/10/2009 01:10:41 AM 616 Views
Nope. - 30/10/2009 01:36:32 PM 463 Views
Ah. - 30/10/2009 04:17:10 PM 502 Views
Re: On possession of books. - 30/10/2009 02:36:34 AM 430 Views
There is no hope for you. - 30/10/2009 01:39:01 PM 513 Views
Re: On possession of books. - 30/10/2009 03:06:28 AM 442 Views
Yes, those who move frequently understand. - 30/10/2009 01:39:44 PM 446 Views
Re: On possession of books. - 30/10/2009 04:19:32 AM 713 Views
Thanks! - 30/10/2009 01:41:34 PM 460 Views
Books can't be possessed, silly. - 30/10/2009 07:47:48 AM 478 Views
Interesting heirarchy people have. - 30/10/2009 01:44:24 PM 700 Views
Re: On possession of books. - 30/10/2009 01:05:25 PM 795 Views
Philosophical questions rock. - 31/10/2009 02:02:37 AM 542 Views
And I gave them all away to the library today. *NM* - 01/11/2009 10:21:55 PM 270 Views

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