I sometimes forget to get my head out of the fishtank :p - Edit 1
Before modification by Lady Isa Avanderidhril at 19/10/2009 08:52:20 PM
But will I have enough time... English is not my mothertongue so it takes me a bit more time than in French. I enjoyed writing pieces of text for RPG boards or other but never longer than a couple of pages.
It could be the kick, I've always wanted to write something...
I'll think about it!
edit: I just read that the rules where also written in French so I guess I can do it in French.. I'll have to choose :p
It could be the kick, I've always wanted to write something...
I'll think about it!

edit: I just read that the rules where also written in French so I guess I can do it in French.. I'll have to choose :p
Well then I'm glad to have brought it to you!
I'd love to see you try it in English!
I am always around for help if you have something you're unsure of!
Thank you, I think I'll do it, I keep thinking about plots.
I'll probably do it in English, I read more English than French books nowadays anyway :p And I also always write in English for work so :p
I'll remember you offer of help!