Active Users:368 Time:29/06/2024 03:57:38 PM
Tell him to keep at it. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 09/10/2009 09:53:18 PM

Dunno...I agree with a lot of what's been said above and in other threads. A person makes a post that gets few, if any, replies. After that happens a few times, the person gets discouraged and stops posting. That's sort of what is happening with my husband right now.

Some folks say there are cliques in which the members all respond to each other. I can definitely see this, though "clique" might be a bit harsh. Lots of people have busy lives and limited internet time. How can they be faulted for using that time to respond to friends?

Perhaps the splitting of the boards is part of it. I know I've been spending a lot of time at the TV and Movies board. The possible topics for the community board is a bit diluted...

So...again, dunno.

Part of it is we don't know him well yet. In fact, the first time he responded to one of my posts my thoughts were basically, "Cool, man; hey, that's Geniac, Antigones husband!" It's not like he's just your accessory, but if there are less people here than wotmanias heyday, there are still a lot of personalities to juggle, and that's further complicated by having to associate many old friends with brand new SNs.

It's not always a bad thing if half the site doesn't immediately respond to what you post, either. But, like I say (as should not) tell him to keep at it and I'm sure he can count on a dozen flames every time he posts a thread, too (seriously, I got trolled on football? FOOTBALL?!!! :rolleyes: )

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