Active Users:833 Time:12/03/2025 12:18:41 AM
Well, no, it doesn't work that way, they do take into account what he has done since then... Legolas Send a noteboard - 09/10/2009 03:41:45 PM
It's not like the nomination has any real importance or is a cut-off date after which they don't look at the new actions anymore or so.

Not that that changes much about the absurdity of the prize - he hasn't exactly done much that's deserving of a Nobel Prize, not even made some modest progress in the Israel/Palestine peace process. And as for his policy towards Iran, way too easy to tell, and it's unlikely to be a permanent improvement. Honestly, they've not only made themselves look silly with this, but also Obama, as well as kind of implicitly insulting him, suggesting he's realized as much as he's going to.
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Barack Obama gets Nobel Peace Prize - 09/10/2009 10:01:30 AM 1428 Views
Already? - 09/10/2009 10:34:40 AM 670 Views
Who said it had anything to do with what he's done AS president? - 10/10/2009 05:31:44 PM 777 Views
You're absolutely right - 10/10/2009 10:02:36 PM 811 Views
hell, most of my liberal friends have missed that too - 12/10/2009 06:25:43 PM 781 Views
what a farce *NM* - 09/10/2009 10:45:40 AM 360 Views
I think it was worse when Al Gore won it in 2007. That's when I stopped caring who won it. *NM* - 09/10/2009 10:57:43 AM 392 Views
Just proves all you need to do - 09/10/2009 11:06:18 AM 666 Views
Hey! - 09/10/2009 11:18:56 AM 748 Views
What's this ? Are you following me around ? - 09/10/2009 01:19:14 PM 681 Views
Uh. No? - 09/10/2009 01:49:48 PM 648 Views
Hey, no offence meant. I was kidding *NM* - 09/10/2009 02:38:17 PM 325 Views
No, this is worse - 09/10/2009 08:18:53 PM 675 Views
WTF? Mommy, make it stop... - 09/10/2009 08:20:11 PM 689 Views
Anyone here following Berserk ? - 09/10/2009 09:58:19 PM 711 Views
Pretty much. *NM* - 09/10/2009 11:13:44 AM 290 Views
regarding the Physics prize - 09/10/2009 11:07:44 AM 684 Views
well. it has only been 50 years. - 09/10/2009 11:24:04 AM 878 Views
Total joke. Not much more can be said about it *NM* - 09/10/2009 11:24:29 AM 322 Views
And what did he do to deserve it? - 09/10/2009 11:37:46 AM 783 Views
I fail to see what he has done to merit this *NM* - 09/10/2009 12:44:54 PM 332 Views
This is up *NM* - 09/10/2009 12:51:09 PM 314 Views
That's Norwegians for you *NM* - 09/10/2009 01:05:48 PM 300 Views
Quite a sweeping statement. Care to clarify? *NM* - 09/10/2009 02:33:12 PM 309 Views
He's Swedish. Is that enough clarification? *NM* - 09/10/2009 02:43:18 PM 323 Views
Yes, actually And a relief. *NM* - 09/10/2009 02:48:56 PM 311 Views
*NM* - 09/10/2009 03:58:13 PM 311 Views
I should mention Obama must be pretty ticked off - 09/10/2009 01:22:09 PM 704 Views
That's ridiculous. - 09/10/2009 01:36:17 PM 668 Views
... I think... - 09/10/2009 01:51:13 PM 788 Views
If the Europeans love this guy so much - 09/10/2009 02:14:46 PM 739 Views
Seems a bit silly, really. *NM* - 09/10/2009 02:16:57 PM 349 Views
Nobel Peace Prize = meaningless, political joke - 09/10/2009 02:19:02 PM 671 Views
Not quite. - 09/10/2009 02:31:29 PM 787 Views
I am disgusted. - 09/10/2009 02:37:45 PM 865 Views
Ready to admit that the Nobel Peace Prize = political joke - 09/10/2009 05:11:43 PM 663 Views
Exactly - 10/10/2009 01:41:48 AM 667 Views
he was nominated 12 days after taking office. What an f***ing joke - 09/10/2009 02:42:11 PM 717 Views
How much do you know about Europe? - 09/10/2009 02:54:19 PM 961 Views
How much do you know about the aritcle you linked? - 09/10/2009 03:29:02 PM 776 Views
More than you do it seems. And apparently I can analyze better as well. - 09/10/2009 03:36:05 PM 824 Views
You are so full of shit - 09/10/2009 04:11:07 PM 667 Views
Clearly you are both ignorant AND recalicrant - 09/10/2009 04:31:09 PM 851 Views
cleary you are bloated airbag who is full of shit - 09/10/2009 04:53:44 PM 847 Views
Oh dear me. You really are a little whiny bitch. Ok. I'm done now. *NM* - 09/10/2009 04:58:32 PM 316 Views
OK come back when you have something Shriek *NM* - 09/10/2009 05:53:29 PM 305 Views
Will do No Thoughts. *NM* - 09/10/2009 06:28:55 PM 266 Views
you will have to excuse me if I don't hold my breath waiting for you - 09/10/2009 06:47:59 PM 857 Views
I pity you because you are willfully blind. - 09/10/2009 07:21:56 PM 785 Views
So yuor as small minded man who can't tolerate differing opinions, whats new - 09/10/2009 07:55:33 PM 743 Views
Well, no, it doesn't work that way, they do take into account what he has done since then... - 09/10/2009 03:41:45 PM 769 Views
I know but the fact remains he was nominated after 12 days in office - 09/10/2009 06:12:25 PM 603 Views
Interesting reading Norwegian comment sections on this. - 09/10/2009 02:58:58 PM 827 Views
Okay, that is idiotic. One speech does not a Nobel Peace Prize make... or shouldn't, anyway. - 09/10/2009 03:09:20 PM 734 Views
+1 - 09/10/2009 05:57:38 PM 578 Views
That actually makes me sad. - 09/10/2009 03:19:31 PM 732 Views
Wait, why is this Thorbj0rn Jagland's job? How did that happen? - 09/10/2009 03:41:00 PM 582 Views
Re: Wait, why is this Thorbj0rn Jagland's job? How did that happen? - 09/10/2009 04:14:40 PM 619 Views
His CV is pretty extraordinary, huh? Wow. *NM* - 09/10/2009 04:24:06 PM 304 Views
Better than mine. *NM* - 09/10/2009 04:24:58 PM 283 Views
As SNL put it, he's done nothing - 09/10/2009 04:04:01 PM 653 Views
Well put. - 10/10/2009 02:39:31 AM 804 Views
to put this whole thing in perspective... - 09/10/2009 04:55:10 PM 617 Views
Yeah, didn't help that we shot the moon either - 09/10/2009 05:00:21 PM 636 Views
Popularity Contest *NM* - 09/10/2009 06:33:47 PM 303 Views
Give me a break. *NM* - 09/10/2009 07:37:47 PM 313 Views
Next up: The Catholic Church announces Obama is a candidate for sainthood - 09/10/2009 08:23:20 PM 690 Views
Bollocks. - 09/10/2009 09:20:39 PM 694 Views
While fighting two wars? Makes complete sense to me! *NM* - 09/10/2009 10:54:17 PM 306 Views
He should have refused it. - 10/10/2009 12:37:13 AM 718 Views
Well said. *NM* - 10/10/2009 12:55:31 AM 340 Views
That could have caused more problems - 10/10/2009 01:35:35 AM 650 Views
I doubt it. - 10/10/2009 02:26:49 AM 678 Views
Agreed. Refusing it would be worse - 10/10/2009 01:47:52 PM 611 Views
Nobel Peace Prize ... reduced to meaningless in the blink of an eye. - 10/10/2009 12:46:13 AM 677 Views
It has been meaningless for quite some time. Remember Al Gore? *NM* - 10/10/2009 01:08:12 AM 324 Views
Or Arafat? *NM* - 10/10/2009 01:23:12 AM 261 Views
Or Carter? *NM* - 10/10/2009 02:29:27 AM 278 Views
Or Special Fund? *NM* - 10/10/2009 03:42:30 AM 280 Views
Agreed, they should send them out on bubble gum wrappers. *NM* - 10/10/2009 02:11:01 PM 316 Views
Or Woodrow Wilson? *NM* - 12/10/2009 08:04:54 AM 299 Views
Completely ridiculous. - 10/10/2009 03:43:02 AM 830 Views
It is, but I wish people would understand the nomination process. - 10/10/2009 12:06:30 PM 689 Views
LOL, so much anger itt. *NM* - 10/10/2009 02:07:46 PM 362 Views
Right decision for me - 11/10/2009 01:55:33 PM 824 Views
Nice pic. *NM* - 11/10/2009 03:37:14 PM 278 Views
This picture is made of pure win - 12/10/2009 12:54:28 AM 637 Views

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