Active Users:456 Time:12/03/2025 08:35:09 AM
Did you notice the only games I'm confident we'll win are the Chiefs, Raiders and 'Skins? - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 06/10/2009 04:02:28 AM

And the only reason the Cowboys did rack up series yards is our QB was sucking even worse?

Both times Dallas has lost this year we have seen gloating from the teams that beat them and all I could think is "are you really happy with your team performance?" The only thing the ponies had going for them besides bad officiating was that their stupid mistakes were a little better timed then the Cowboy's stupid mistake and they managed to squeak out a win.

If last night was their best your in for a long season. Of course you can always gloat that at least your QB isn't simply to stupid to play the game.

Did you notice those teams are a combined 3-9? That all three of those wins were against 0-4 teams? That the 'Skins lost to the Lions last week? That I've been pretty pessimistic about this season from the start?

Did you notice the stellar Cowboys still lost to us by a TD for whatever excuses you care to make? Honestly, at the only team I like and reasonably expect to make the playoffs is Minnesota.

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