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3 podcasters from America try to make sense of France and their system and do analogies to the US Roland00 Send a noteboard - 27/04/2017 11:27:52 PM

Vox is a media empire, but its editors do have a liberal slant Well one of the main editors did the weekly WEEDS podcast which is a weekly podcast where you are trying to go into depth and the details of an issue.

Well I find it hilarious, listen to them try to describe the French system and give analogies to the US system. I am glad it is not just the US who is fucked up And does this first round presidential election tell us anything about memes like Globalism vs Nationalism in various countries and the US and so on.

For example one person proposed the 4 or 5 way First Round Election is like pretend:

1) Hillary Clinton in 2015 when she was going against Bernie had some scandal and Bernie just cruised through the Democratic Nomination.

2) Donald Trump initially does well in the Republican Primary.

3) Michael Bloomberg who was a Democrat before seeking political office, then switched to the Republican Party but his own form of "Bloomberg Republican", then during one of his elections switched to the Independent Label. Bloomberg and all of his billions of dollars decides to get into the Election before the D and R process was finished as an independent candidate.

4) Mitt Romney decides to enter the Republican Primary at the last minute, and somehow he wins for he is the least unacceptable option, for the R primary rather have him than someone they hate even though no one loves Mitt and he is a twice loser at trying to be president (2008 and 2012).

5) Donald Trump decides to run as a 3rd party and he keeps much of his base.

6) Somehow Biden does not enter the race.

Thus we have 4 people like this running for Election in the US and a similar situation like this happened in France. Well after suggesting this, the Weeds just tears the analogy apart, and then gives in more depth of the craziness of the France system and no matter who wins the Presidency, they will not win a majority probably in parliment of their own coalition for they are both outsiders, and thus who they appoint to the cabinet will have the real power and probably the cabinet will do things contrary to what the president ran on, for these cabinet people will have their own agenda, and the party these cabinet people will belong to will not be Le Pen or Macron's party, and so on.

All of this just causes me to laugh, and laugh with pure joy. The world is absurd, and it is beauty and ugly at the same time, and no matter what we try to do we can't stop the absurdity and we can't stop the beauty nor they ugliness, for it exists inherent in the world without humans, and humans only intensify the absurdity, the beauty, and the ugliness the more humans you add to the system.

Note only 1/3rd of the podcast deals with the French Election before pivoting to other topics.

Vox's The Weeds
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So it will be Macron vs Le Pen after all - 23/04/2017 09:42:37 PM 1104 Views
Is this April 2002 or April 2017 - 23/04/2017 11:56:40 PM 730 Views
Yeah, not really that similar. - 24/04/2017 07:08:52 AM 742 Views
Le Pen vs. the Lightweight - 24/04/2017 03:29:21 AM 754 Views
Macron will win. - 24/04/2017 03:17:32 PM 730 Views
France might make history, here - 24/04/2017 08:15:55 PM 719 Views
Argentina did this first in the 1970s - 24/04/2017 10:58:13 PM 771 Views
???? Of course - 24/04/2017 11:11:03 PM 668 Views
And Le Pen the day after pulls a publicity stunt *NM* - 24/04/2017 10:38:31 PM 435 Views
Eventually Le Pen will win. Or someone like her. - 24/04/2017 11:30:44 PM 681 Views
In the fullness of time we are all dead - 25/04/2017 01:22:54 AM 662 Views
I expect to the populist/anti-establishment trend to continue - 25/04/2017 09:24:38 PM 810 Views
It will. This is the shakey start. - 27/04/2017 09:31:57 AM 605 Views
Start? The start over here was back in 1991. - 27/04/2017 07:13:46 PM 778 Views
I know what you mean, and I am not up on all my modem history - 27/04/2017 08:30:11 PM 661 Views
2000, then. - 27/04/2017 09:04:39 PM 851 Views
I'm not gonna argue! - 27/04/2017 11:27:00 PM 912 Views
Re: So it will be Macron vs Le Pen after all - 27/04/2017 09:29:26 AM 645 Views
Yes. Rechecked them just now... - 27/04/2017 06:53:52 PM 834 Views
Good. - 27/04/2017 01:19:26 PM 722 Views
3 podcasters from America try to make sense of France and their system and do analogies to the US - 27/04/2017 11:27:52 PM 886 Views

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