And it's certainly true that the European 'far right' isn't exactly right-wing on economic issues. Trump's campaign echoed their typical positions on some points (protectionism, refusal to consider entitlement reform), though obviously there are big differences on topics like tax cuts for the wealthy.
The Germans sang hymns to the Rhine because the French wanted to invade them and made no secret of it. I'm not sure why this is relevant now.

Yeah, I'd noticed the similarities too. One of the reasons for my apprehension, in fact - odds are he'll be nearly as ineffectual on the things that really matter as Trump, lacking any relevant experience in working with the legislative bodies to get laws passed.
You ask me what that has to do with anything, and then go on a rant about Hillary Clinton who had nothing to do with anything in the post? Comparing Trump to Clinton makes sense only if you're explaining why you voted for Trump back in November (which in fact if I understood correctly you didn't?). I don't see how it makes sense here - we were comparing Trump to Le Pen.
Moreover, I'm not sure what Trump's social skills have to do with it - he may be friendlier and easier to talk to for working class people, but that doesn't say much about how he relates to them and takes their reality into account when taking positions. Looking at his cabinet and the descriptions of his mindset, it certainly seems like he has a tendency to only truly listen to wealthy people, who have proven themselves in his eyes.
And for all that he talks about 'Make America Great Again' and standing up for those who have been the losers of the trade policies of the past, still his idea of solving the problem is giving tax cuts to the winners of said trade policies so they can become even wealthier. Seems unlikely he would do that if he had the first clue of what it really feels like to lose your job because your employer's management decides to outsource the factory to another country where they can make more profit. Though then again, maybe not - there certainly seem to be a good number of Trump voters who, for all their complaining about their lost jobs, are magnanimous enough to want to further reward the people who took them away.