Active Users:378 Time:14/03/2025 06:55:02 AM
Argentina did this first in the 1970s Roland00 Send a noteboard - 24/04/2017 10:58:13 PM

And we had 30 other countries that at one time have had a female president.

Now if you include other categories such as honorary president, you then expand the size of this larger group past 30. For example China had a female honorary president in 1981. Now Song Qingling was the female president in 1981 of China, but before that China has had several different constitutions since it went communist, during the 70s there was no position as president and the head of state during some of those years was the person who was in charge of the congress and Song Qingling was Chairman or should we say Chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress from 1976 to 1978.

That said the first time a female president and not something else like honorary president, chairwoman, prime minister, etc was Argentina in 1974.

At least I assume all of this wikipedia information is true

Sigh I hope we get a great president soon, and I will have no problems if she is Female and it would be great to have more women serve in public office.

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So it will be Macron vs Le Pen after all - 23/04/2017 09:42:37 PM 1103 Views
Is this April 2002 or April 2017 - 23/04/2017 11:56:40 PM 730 Views
Yeah, not really that similar. - 24/04/2017 07:08:52 AM 741 Views
Le Pen vs. the Lightweight - 24/04/2017 03:29:21 AM 754 Views
Macron will win. - 24/04/2017 03:17:32 PM 730 Views
France might make history, here - 24/04/2017 08:15:55 PM 719 Views
Argentina did this first in the 1970s - 24/04/2017 10:58:13 PM 771 Views
???? Of course - 24/04/2017 11:11:03 PM 668 Views
And Le Pen the day after pulls a publicity stunt *NM* - 24/04/2017 10:38:31 PM 435 Views
Eventually Le Pen will win. Or someone like her. - 24/04/2017 11:30:44 PM 681 Views
In the fullness of time we are all dead - 25/04/2017 01:22:54 AM 662 Views
I expect to the populist/anti-establishment trend to continue - 25/04/2017 09:24:38 PM 810 Views
It will. This is the shakey start. - 27/04/2017 09:31:57 AM 605 Views
Start? The start over here was back in 1991. - 27/04/2017 07:13:46 PM 778 Views
I know what you mean, and I am not up on all my modem history - 27/04/2017 08:30:11 PM 661 Views
2000, then. - 27/04/2017 09:04:39 PM 851 Views
I'm not gonna argue! - 27/04/2017 11:27:00 PM 911 Views
Re: So it will be Macron vs Le Pen after all - 27/04/2017 09:29:26 AM 645 Views
Yes. Rechecked them just now... - 27/04/2017 06:53:52 PM 834 Views
Good. - 27/04/2017 01:19:26 PM 721 Views

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