Active Users:406 Time:14/03/2025 02:16:02 PM
Is this April 2002 or April 2017 - Edit 1

Before modification by Roland00 at 24/04/2017 12:14:10 AM

Seriously France, its been 10 years and 1 day later. Are you really going to have a repeat of a similar style of election? Seriously?

(this point is mostly rhetorical and it is talking about Le Penn the father and Le Penn the daughter, you can make nuance points, but rhetorically seriously France it is not a competition with the US, please save your face)


There's a lot of comparisons being made between Trump and Le Pen, but I don't think that's very accurate, and in fact it's unfair to both of them for different reasons (Trump's views are less borderline racist and less economically unsound than Le Pen's; but on the other hand, she is an actual politician with established principles and policies, and she can actually relate to the people she represents, not being a billionaire).

Donald Trump does not have economic positions. He does not understand economic basics. Angela Merkel (and this has been confirmed by multiple stories from different papers, and by anonymous sources on both sides of Trump and Merkel's staff) and Donald Trump had a meeting last week and she had to explain 10 times that you can't form a trade agreement with a single country in the European Union such as Germany due to them being a common market and it being set out by treaty that they negotiate as a group. It been like this since 1993, when the Maastricht Treaty was approved the year prior in 1992 and went into effect in 93. The Maastricht Treaty created the EU, but the predecessor to the EU in 1957 with the EEC also established that the member states have to work together for trade deals with outside countries aka international trade instead of within the market.

Donald Trump supposedly got a 4 year degree in Economics, yet the fact the US can't form individual trade deals with the EU or the predecessor EEC has been the law via treaty since prior to Donald Trump being a "bad boy" and being sent to military school at the age of 13, for he needed the structure.

But he got his BS in economics almost 50 years ago, so perhaps he forgot a few things, but needing to be explained this 10 times makes me question did he learn anything at this school? (He Graduated from the University of Penn, Penn is famous for its post graduate program in business but Trump was an undergrad and he only had 2 years at Penn for he transferred in.)

Combine this with everything else he has said with trade and economics, and all the reversal positions he has done in the last 2 weeks on this area and you can flatly say he has no positions with Economics. He does not have ideas, instead he has ephemeral thoughts before he takes action.

You can't judge Trump based off what he said in the past, for the past is the past, most human want to be internally consistent, Donald Trump cares less about this. Only the now, only the current spin.

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