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I despise YouTube for virtually everything other than entertainment. Ghavrel Send a noteboard - 22/04/2017 12:39:16 AM

Firstly, it takes too damned long to listen to someone drone on when I could simply read a transcript in a fifth of the time. I'm convinced that people put up their views on YouTube because watching someone talk makes it that much more difficult to critically engage their thoughts than reading what they've written.

The bevy of political shows like Sargon and The Young Turks are unbearable. Then you have the people like Molyneux and Peterson who may be competent in one thing but are just embarrassing to watch when they talk about philosophy or history. There's a wonderful review of a Molyneux book where an erstwhile ally absolutely savages him for his inability to construct actual arguments:

Stefan Molyneux is a popular libertarian broadcaster who has in recent years acquired a considerable following. In Universally Preferable Behavior, he takes on an ambitious task. He endeavors to provide a rational basis for morality. Should he succeed, he would not only have achieved something of monumental importance; he would also have rendered a great service to libertarianism. Molyneux's system of morality has resolutely libertarian implications. If he is right, surely a time for rejoicing is at hand.

It would be cruel to arouse false expectations, so I had better say at once that Molyneux does not succeed in his noble goal. He fails, and fails miserably. His arguments are often preposterously bad.


Despite the impression I have so far given, Molyneux is by no means stupid: quite the contrary. Therein, I suggest, lies the source of the problems of his book. Because of his facile intelligence, he thinks that he has a talent for philosophical argument and need not undertake the hard labor of learning how such arguments are constructed. Unfortunately for him and his book, he is mistaken.

I've linked the entire review at the bottom.

Honestly, if I want to learn something from an intelligent person with whom I vehemently disagree, I come here and read posts by LD or Tom or Cannoli. In addition to being markedly smarter and more educated than the YouTube talking heads, they have the benefit of not being self-obsessed.

"We feel safe when we read what we recognise, what does not challenge our way of thinking.... a steady acceptance of pre-arranged patterns leads to the inability to question what we are told."

Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel


The Molyneux Problem
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What YouTube channels do you listen to ? - 22/04/2017 12:17:45 AM 690 Views
I despise YouTube for virtually everything other than entertainment. - 22/04/2017 12:39:16 AM 763 Views
Joe Rogan Experience - 22/04/2017 01:36:08 AM 606 Views
Oh yes, I also follow Rogan - 22/04/2017 10:11:27 PM 618 Views
Kevin Smith - 22/04/2017 04:07:38 AM 633 Views
I only use it for how to videos and old music videos *NM* - 24/04/2017 01:29:00 PM 453 Views

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