Active Users:401 Time:13/03/2025 04:21:23 PM
Sidenote, my former home town, Kansas 4th almost got rid of their Republican US house member on 4/11 Roland00 Send a noteboard - 12/04/2017 05:49:33 PM

I used to live in a suburb of Wichita, Kansas. Town of 500,000 people where you have Koch Industries and a major Boeing Plant (which is now a boeing supplier under the name of Spirit) in the middle of Kansas. Well the Kansas 4th district usually votes republican in a 2:1 manner in house and president elections so the Republicans usually win by 30% or more.

Well Mike Pompeo the former US House member who was re-elected in 2016 was nominated by Donald Trump to be the new CIA director so they had a special election for his replacement yesterday April 4/11.

The republicans only held the seat by 8,195 votes (52.5% vs 45.7%) this was after in the last week they had Mike Pence and Ted Cruz visit the district, them putting 100k in advertisements in the last minute, and Donald Trump robo calling. They did all this attention for the week earlier the Republican polling outfit private polls said they were only expecting a margin of 1% higher than D votes due to low turnout and low enthusiasm of Republican voters due to the R's candidate ties to Sam Brownback who is very unpopular.

Well I am just shocked how close of an election this was in the middle of Kansas. Some people are saying this may be an indicator that Republicans need to take outreach to their base and get out the vote more seriously or else the midterms in 2018 may mean losing lots of Republican seats in the house of representatives. For example this stuff from 538 which looks at all the House seats republican has and how much of a margin each individual district has (aka how red the district is) and compares Kansas 4th to the rest of the nation.

Five Thirty Eight
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So, no posts or comments about buffone di corte Sean Spicer stepping on his dick yesterday? - 12/04/2017 04:52:47 PM 858 Views
I thought about it, but I can't handle it anymore. - 12/04/2017 05:37:20 PM 612 Views
I have pretty much stopped watching the news *NM* - 12/04/2017 05:54:03 PM 317 Views
Sidenote, my former home town, Kansas 4th almost got rid of their Republican US house member on 4/11 - 12/04/2017 05:49:33 PM 642 Views
Did we already know we were both Wichita 'burb kids? - 12/04/2017 06:52:12 PM 613 Views
Sounds a lot like people choosing to be offended - 12/04/2017 05:59:26 PM 623 Views
I don't think offended would be the word I would choose - 12/04/2017 06:13:58 PM 663 Views
As I mentioned I have stopped watching the news so not up to date on the digging part. - 12/04/2017 07:41:29 PM 610 Views
I agree that was his intent and stated so in my original comments. - 12/04/2017 07:49:06 PM 539 Views
can't defend that *NM* - 12/04/2017 10:40:48 PM 295 Views
It seems never is not entirely accurate. Almost never. - 12/04/2017 08:11:22 PM 723 Views
Interesting. I didn't know that. *NM* - 12/04/2017 08:15:13 PM 297 Views
Me neither, this controversy made me look it up just now. - 12/04/2017 08:41:21 PM 572 Views
first I saw that - 12/04/2017 10:43:42 PM 668 Views
That's a bad maxim. Many are. - 12/04/2017 07:50:08 PM 594 Views
"Everyone knew what he meant?" - 12/04/2017 06:21:06 PM 653 Views
Which words are you struggling with? - 12/04/2017 07:44:26 PM 668 Views
There's no need to be a dick about it. - 13/04/2017 02:25:51 PM 783 Views
there is no need to act like you don't know what he meant to say - 13/04/2017 05:04:22 PM 628 Views
I'm not acting. I don't think what he meant is as clear as you seem to. - 13/04/2017 10:07:32 PM 617 Views
Oooh don't get me started. - 14/04/2017 01:27:37 PM 579 Views
I KNOW - 14/04/2017 01:54:00 PM 667 Views
WoT! On the CMB?! - 14/04/2017 02:48:00 PM 533 Views
We are trendsetters. - 14/04/2017 03:52:25 PM 679 Views
The first time it was! *NM* - 14/04/2017 04:14:04 PM 309 Views
Yes. - 14/04/2017 04:19:49 PM 610 Views
Exactly! - 14/04/2017 04:43:49 PM 588 Views
Yeah I think you nailed it. - 14/04/2017 04:59:27 PM 564 Views
Good point *NM* - 14/04/2017 05:13:53 PM 364 Views
He failed. There really is no defense. - 12/04/2017 06:25:31 PM 621 Views
How is it real issue? Becuase he worded it poorly? - 12/04/2017 07:46:15 PM 603 Views
I think you should stop defending him. - 13/04/2017 03:08:32 AM 551 Views
Or the more silly things people get worked up about the more serious things get ignored - 13/04/2017 01:20:29 PM 656 Views
First of all, lube helps prevent butt hurt. - 13/04/2017 03:29:36 PM 608 Views
*NM* - 13/04/2017 03:38:55 PM 313 Views
*NM* - 13/04/2017 05:51:04 PM 286 Views
I am sure I wouldn't know, but I agree with the post content. - 13/04/2017 04:09:59 PM 600 Views
well I'm notthe one getting butthurt over what he said so you may want to pass the tube around - 13/04/2017 04:51:52 PM 653 Views
Are you purposefully obtuse? - 13/04/2017 05:50:44 PM 751 Views
Seems to me you're just both talking about different things. - 13/04/2017 06:06:24 PM 667 Views
yeah what you said - 13/04/2017 07:07:10 PM 632 Views
Sometimes, even lube doesn't help. - 14/04/2017 04:25:22 PM 587 Views
Par for the course. *NM* - 12/04/2017 06:24:06 PM 292 Views
I think I know what he intended to say... - 12/04/2017 06:27:33 PM 680 Views
It actually reminded me of what I still think is the best Bushism ever... - 12/04/2017 07:17:09 PM 640 Views
Yes. This. *NM* - 13/04/2017 09:36:00 AM 334 Views
excalibur says Spicer reminds him of Comical Ali - 12/04/2017 09:25:20 PM 684 Views
The chief fool's fool acted foolishly. - 13/04/2017 04:56:54 PM 611 Views

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