They came for WOT discussion and stayed for Community. Splitting up the boards just segregates people who won't then "spill over" into the community.
What's going to draw people in? The "segregation" argument doesn't make much sense, unless one wants to argue that people self-segregated or, conversely, were ostracized at wotmania for their posting preferences. I just know there were several SF/F bloggers who got their start over at OF who didn't really participate in "community" stuff because it was a bit insular then and I suspect it'd be even more insular now.
But that's just my perspective on matters. I'm not really active much anywhere these days (the past weekend being a mini-exception), so either way doesn't mean much to me other than a vague desire that even the remnant of the old OF might live on, I suppose.
Je suis méchant.