Active Users:403 Time:08/09/2024 12:03:22 AM
Looks like everything! nossy Send a noteboard - 09/04/2017 08:45:39 AM

View original postMeat is obvious--you have to have BBQ chicken, you have to have pulled pork, you have to have ribs. Brisket is good too.

I dunno, I've gone off chicken. The welfare standards are pretty shit, and buying local, non-abused chicken is super expensive. If I had more money, I'd agree. Looooove brisket.
View original postWith all that meat it can be pretty heavy, and I know people love potato salad (I do too), but it can't be the only vegetable. Having fresh fruit gives you a refreshing and clean-tasting side. And it will hydrate you a bit, because let's be honest--you're going to be drunk out of your mind. Having a tray of veggies with dip isn't a bad choice, either.

Very sensible.
View original postSpeaking of which, the alcohol: some sort of light beer is good; I like Abita because that's what I've been drinking for ages, but Newcastle is perfectly serviceable as well. You're probably going to have people who hate things that taste good, so bring out some IPAs for them. Anchor Steam? I don't know. People who like IPAs deserve whatever they get. Gin and tonic is a wonderful summer drink if you're looking for cocktails. Hard lemonade is a good idea, too. Soft lemonade for the kids. And water.

I love Abita. That's where my family is from, incidentally. I agree on IPA. Yack.
I'm weighing the benefits of a springy sangria to cover both the fruit and alcohol.
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If you were having a BBQ (party-ish), what would you serve? - 08/04/2017 09:15:34 PM 836 Views
Re: If you were having a BBQ (party-ish), what would you serve? - 09/04/2017 05:00:29 AM 558 Views
Man, I love pulled pork. No euphemism. - 09/04/2017 08:36:30 AM 567 Views
All.cole slaw is evil - 09/04/2017 02:49:37 PM 474 Views
Mine is very non-gross. - 09/04/2017 10:05:03 PM 472 Views
Does it have cabbage and mayonnaise? Gross *NM* - 10/04/2017 05:02:26 PM 339 Views
You big baby! - 10/04/2017 07:53:32 PM 512 Views
I.had a traumatic childhood experience with cole slaw - 11/04/2017 12:15:04 PM 520 Views
I had that with leaf lettuce. - 11/04/2017 04:12:08 PM 526 Views
I grew in Texas in the 70s. Ihave eaten bugs and dog food on triple dog dares - 11/04/2017 04:26:06 PM 564 Views
Eeeee, that really made me cackle. I'm not that susceptible. - 11/04/2017 04:42:15 PM 689 Views
For meat or everything or what? - 09/04/2017 05:31:23 AM 539 Views
Looks like everything! - 09/04/2017 08:45:39 AM 641 Views
If you care about animal welfare, I have bad news for you regarding pork and beef. - 09/04/2017 09:07:05 AM 587 Views
One of my friends has a grass-fed herd of cattle. - 09/04/2017 09:55:26 AM 482 Views
I HATE grass-fed beef - 09/04/2017 02:49:56 PM 581 Views
I love it. - 09/04/2017 10:07:20 PM 488 Views
I think vodka has killed your tastebuds. - 09/04/2017 10:40:18 PM 850 Views
I still remember when they charged extra for grain fed beef *NM* - 11/04/2017 05:49:38 PM 313 Views
British IPAs are good. Very good. - 09/04/2017 10:43:41 PM 824 Views
Nope. - 09/04/2017 11:16:40 PM 536 Views
I think it's just that you're American. - 10/04/2017 07:56:18 PM 785 Views
Dont blame it on being American. IPAs are my beer of choice and Im from the Mid-West. - 10/04/2017 11:44:33 PM 743 Views
Crazy is clearly international *NM* - 11/04/2017 04:16:03 PM 304 Views
IPAs should only be consumed with cole slaw. - 10/04/2017 05:03:58 PM 535 Views
Your food rules are wrong. - 10/04/2017 07:55:36 PM 767 Views
How about serving barbecued meat? *NM* - 09/04/2017 05:44:02 AM 290 Views
Hadn't thought of that! *NM* - 09/04/2017 08:46:28 AM 300 Views
Add beer and I think you may be on to something. *NM* - 10/04/2017 11:42:37 PM 351 Views
Here is how you do it right - 09/04/2017 02:47:39 PM 572 Views
sign me up *NM* - 09/04/2017 03:23:06 PM 282 Views
Very tasty. - 09/04/2017 10:10:28 PM 505 Views
Just don't try and make it Gourmet - 10/04/2017 05:41:49 PM 537 Views
Potato salad. - 09/04/2017 10:42:08 PM 722 Views
Yes! German. - 11/04/2017 04:14:59 PM 458 Views
German is the only acceptable form of fancy potato salad - 11/04/2017 04:29:59 PM 528 Views
That's not fancy! - 11/04/2017 04:45:10 PM 567 Views
Re: That's not fancy! - 11/04/2017 05:53:06 PM 551 Views
Vodka. More vodka. And even more vodka. - 10/04/2017 07:29:41 PM 594 Views
I dunno. - 11/04/2017 04:18:00 PM 551 Views
Mmmm. Caviar. I love it. - 12/04/2017 06:23:18 PM 565 Views
Carne Asada - 10/04/2017 10:04:41 PM 576 Views
Hmmm. - 11/04/2017 04:18:58 PM 520 Views
Everyone keeps forgetting the fries... - 11/04/2017 03:33:31 PM 539 Views
That's because you're nuts. - 11/04/2017 04:09:24 PM 514 Views
Well, yes... but that is beside the point... - 13/04/2017 02:25:30 PM 657 Views
Fries? - 11/04/2017 04:23:19 PM 512 Views
baked potato stuffed w/BBQ is REALLY good as well - 13/04/2017 02:28:08 PM 496 Views
Shrimp, and some tinnies in an esky. *NM* - 13/04/2017 05:26:28 PM 371 Views
ummm... - 13/04/2017 05:56:07 PM 620 Views
That's Aussie slang. - 13/04/2017 09:28:10 PM 887 Views
aha. makes sense. *NM* - 13/04/2017 09:37:30 PM 284 Views

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